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{UAH} South Sudan: Rebels Military Spokesperson Says Government Troops and Their Foreign Allies Abandoned Positions in Jonglei

South Sudan: Rebels Military Spokesperson Says Government Troops and Their Foreign Allies Abandoned Positions in Jonglei

8 JUNE 2014

Addis Ababa, June 8, 2014 (SSNA) -- The Spokesperson for South Sudanese rebels' military wing said government troops with their foreign allies have deserted their positions in Jonglei State, warning that such a move could result in a 'wind of change'.

Federal Brig. Gen. Lul Ruai Koang, the military Spokesperson for the Sudan people's Liberation Army (in opposition) added that their forces have reoccupied the deserted outposts, saying the decision was made due to security reasons.

"Kiir's troops and UPDF's forces that had been occupying Gadiang forward base in Duk County, Jonglei had abandoned it along with Poktap, and Wernyol barracks. Other smaller military outposts were also abandoned. Salva'S forces and Allies are currently heading to Bor vie Panyagor, the Administrative HQs of Twic East County", Beig. Gen. Koang wrote on his social media wall.

"SPLA's Gallant Forces are occupying abandoned bases to avoid security vacuum and possible lawlessness", he added.

General Koang also warned that the whole country could see "winds of change", unless Uganda People's Defence Force (UPDF), the main protector of Kiir's government maintains forward bases.

"With no UPDF forces in forward bases, Bor is left vulnerable to winds of change, Juba and eventually the whole country", he warned.

Fighting erupted in Juba late last year, tens of thousands of people have been killed, and more than a million people have fled to the neighboring countries.

Peace talks between the two warring factions are continuing in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.

South Sudan
Army Abandons Positions in Jonglei - Rebel Spokesperson 

A military spokesperson of the South Sudanese rebels led by the former vice president, Riek Machar, has released a … see more »


This is a quote:
"Even if Joseph Kony was killed, that would not necessarily be the end of the war in northern Uganda because Kony is no more than a ' spiritual' leader of the LRA. This quick fix, arm-chair solution seemed to be from the Kampala-based 'opinion leaders' who only know the war through newspapers".

" Until the legitimate grievances and the marginalization of northern Uganda's communities are addressed, LRA fighters remain a possible vehicle for the expression of northerners' frustrations".

"Kony may never sign a peace agreement. Whether or not he signs, however, is less relevant to avoiding new conflict in northern Uganda than ending marginalization policies and fulfilling promises by the Ugandan government."

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