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This is the point I refused to pass, a point where we as Africans kill each other but harvest in that blood-bath. And it is all over the continent. Luwerorians die and instead of all of us standing up and denounce those that killed them, we classify it as The Luwero murders were justified.  A man like Lt Col John Ogole closes a district for 5 firkin years where women  and girls are raped left and center to a point that today in Luwero you never question anyone who is your father, yet we stand up and define him as a brave soldier.


Do you remember the Hutus that ran out of Rwanda  to Tanzania? These poor refugees were even recognized by the UN as refugees, yet Kagame stood up and demanded they get repatriated back to Rwanda. They walked on foot and with babies on their backs, I remember these very terrible pictures on my large screen as they were trekking back to Rwanda to be murdered. We all kept quiet about it, The UN failed to protect them for UN was serving American interests and Americans wanted Rwanda. These poor people trekked back to Rwanda getting killed by Kagame and thrown into lake victoria and River Nile. Remember the days when you would not eat fish in Uganda for the fish was feeding on Hutus. In all communications I made to The Rwanda and Uganda government I was told that no one was killed. Actually Rukumbura said that no one was ever thrown into Lake Victoria.


And yet today Rwanda is going to open a genocidal memorial into Uganda. Yes those Hutus are now of a more value than the Ugandans that died in Luwero. Do you have a memorial for them? No for they add no political  gain and this is being done by Kagame to appease the Hutus. And no African is standing up to scream bloody murder to this killer in Kigali.


Now you know why I destroyed my Uganda  passport this is simply too sick for me to swallow.



On the 49th Parallel  


Rwanda team plans new genocide memorial sites in Uganda

KIGALI (Xinhua) -- A team of Rwandan experts is currently in Uganda to assess the construction of memorial sites for the remains of the 1994 genocide victims that reached Uganda after being swept by the Nyabarongo river into Lake Victoria, state-run Radio Rwanda has reported.

Rwandan High Commissioner to Uganda, Frank Mugambage, said the experts would start their work this week.

"This work should have started long before, but we agreed for it to begin after the week marking the 20th anniversary of the genocide," the radio quoted the senior Rwandan diplomat in Kampala as saying.

The four tombs involved are located in Uganda in the regions of Masaka, Kalangala, Rakai and Mpigi.

Official sources in Kigali said at least the remains of 11,040 Rwandan genocide victims were recovered by fishermen in Lake Victoria and buried at many locations in Uganda.

"Tens of thousands of bodies of the 1994 genocide were thrown into the Nyabarongo river that eventually swept them away into Lake Victoria," Mugambage explained.

The Rwandan genocide saw hard-line members of Rwanda’s Hutu ethnic group target Tutsis and moderate Hutus over a period of about three months.

The killings began after a plane carrying President Juvenal Habyarimana and his Burundian counterpart, Cyprien Ntaryamira, was shot down over the Rwandan capital Kigali.


            Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


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