UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.

{UAH} UNAA Welcomes the Acholi Community of North America

Just on record


UNAA is the organization that threw out an agenda that was supposed to discuss the camping of the people in The North, and in all years when we had Northerners camped there was no single UNAA convention that ever raised the camping of Northerners for every time this issue was raised, UNAA threw it out.


Good evening good people !!!!



On the 49th Parallel          


            Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni and Dr. Kiiza Besigye Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni na Dk. Kiiza Besigye Uganda ni katika machafuko"


From: [] On Behalf Of UNAA Secretariat
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2014 8:51 PM
Subject: {UAH} UNAA Welcomes the Acholi Community of North America



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26th Annual UNAA Convention

"Unity through Cultural Awareness"

August 29th - August 31st, 2014

Hyatt Regency - La Jolla at Aventine

(Official Hotel of the UNAA Convention)

San Diego, CA


Partnering with Sister Cultural Associations

The theme of this year's UNAA Convention is "Unity through Cultural Awareness."


As the oldest and largest organization of Ugandans in the Diaspora, UNAA relies on the strength of its members and sister cultural organizations.  We would like to take this opportunity to highlight one of these organizations and its associative relationship with UNAA.


Acholi Community of North America


The Acholi Community of North America Inc. (ACNA) is a 501(C)3 organization which was formed in 2008 specifically to provide community services to the Acholi people throughout North America and back home in Uganda.


The organization's objectives and purposes are:

  • To promote unity peace, and love amongst the Acholi
  • To promote Acholi cultural heritage, sports and traditional dances.
  • To preserve Acholi culture in the Diaspora
  • To advance and support business and investments to develop our homeland.
  • To actively promote development in Acholiland and engage in socio-economic activities in the Diaspora.
  • To value, educate and encourage the participation of Acholi/Luo women,

children and youth in the community      


Over the past 5 years ACNA has formally participated in several UNAA conventions.  During the 2011 UNAA convention in Denver, Colorado, ACNA leadership held a joint forum with community supporters from the US, Canada, Europe and Uganda.  As usual there was the famous 'WAN OO PA ACOLI' which featured heated discussions on programs and projects being conducted by Acholi professionals, or for Acholis by other groups both in Uganda and throughout the Diaspora.  A subsequent forum the next day focused on development through peace in Acholiland from which several resolutions were proposed.  More details can be found at .

ACNA continues to build upon its relationship with UNAA in a mutual quest for peace, social, cultural and economic development for all Ugandan communities in the Diaspora.

UNAA is pleased once again to welcome the Acholi Community of North America to its 26th Annual Convention in San Diego. 


Social Media:



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For UNAA membership convention information:

UNAA Membership          

Convention Registration:   

Boat Cruise Registration:   


For UNAA hotel information: 

Hyatt Regency La Jolla

Hotel Booking:                           Hyatt La Jolla

   Call +1 888 421 1442

Sheraton at La Jolla

Hotel Booking:                           Sheraton La Jolla

                                                Call +1 888 627 8445 


For convention and hotel information, visit
















UNAA Secretariat
+1 855 873 8622

"United We Stand"

Give us a call today!



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