{UAH} Update on UNAA Finances
1. Ten months after the Dallas convention, Brian has not revealed the details of UNAA income and how his team spent that money. i.e Brian was the chairman of the local organizing committee, he is a member of the Board of Trustees, he is the President of UNAA and he promised to show those numbers.
2. Several people in the Wilson/Brain camp (Moses Nekyon, Rosette Serwanga, Tim Gaburungyi and Brain Kwesiga) have challenged the correctness of the 2012 UNAA tax returns.
3. The Part VI, Sec B of the 2012 tax returns has this relevant question:
11a. has the organization provided a complete copy of this form 990 to all members of its governing body before filing this form 990?
The answer to this question was "YES".
4. Brenda Kalema signed the tax return, under penalty of perjury, that she had examined it and to her knowledge, the information provided is correct.
5. The IRS requires a full list of ALL leaders of UNAA (see Part VII, 1a). Though several people in the Wilson/Kwesiga camp (Wilson, Serwanga, Gaburungyi and Nairuba) are missing from the list, Brian is listed.
6. Did Brian get a complete copy of the tax return?
7. Did Brian approve the tax 2012 tax return?
8. if Brian's answer to the above questions is "NO", Brian should CLEARLY state so.
For a faster response please contact me at 415.789.6427
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