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{UAH} Exporting American Products to Uganda

Community Members.
Just as the Uganda Government wishes to increase exports to the US, the US Government also wishes to increase exports to Uganda.  However, the US Government would prefer a more balanced level of trade - ie. both countries sell about the same amount of goods (in terms of dollars) to each other.
According to the US Trade Representative:

Uganda was the United States' 148th largest goods export market in 2013.

U.S. goods exports to Uganda in 2013 were $125 million, up 25% from 2012.

The top export categories (2-digit HS) for 2013 were: Optic and Medical Instruments ($36 million), Machinery ($21 million), Aircraft ($18 million), Electric Machinery ($15 million), Special Other (returns) ($10 million), and Vehicles ($3 million).

We already know some of the goods that can be exported to the US (coffee, tea, decorative accessories, furniture, etc.), but what else can be exported from the US to Uganda?
Now it is true that consumer products made in or for the US markets are generally of superior quality to those made for African markets, but these American products are also usually significantly more expensive.
So other than the traditional high ticket items listed above (aircraft, machinery, etc.), what else can be exported from the US to Uganda?  Any insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Please join us for a discussion on this subject at the Trade and Investments Forum that will be held on the first day of the upcoming UNAA Convention (Hyatt Regency Hotel) in San Diego

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In a message dated 7/1/2014 1:44:37 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
Good morning ndugu,

Below is an email I just received from the US Embassy in Uganda and have been requested to share with the community. The reference to American companies below includes those owned by us here in the Diaspora. Catalog Exhibition fee: $100.

Buy America catalog Exhibition
September 25, Kampala, Uganda
Uganda's youthful population, open markets, and abundant natural resources highlight some of the numerous opportunities available to U.S. firms. American products are still relatively rare, but there is a growing awareness that products made in the U.S. are of high quality and hold great appeal for Uganda's middle class. Uganda's population of 35 million people is rapidly growing, with half under the age of 15.
The Buy America event will feature products and services made by American companies and will also display catalogues from companies interested in selling their products in Uganda:
·         Agriculture: Uganda offers extremely fertile lands and has the potential to be the bread basket of Africa. There are numerous opportunities in food processing and agribusiness. Key exports include coffee, vanilla, tropical fruit, spices, and flowers.
·         Energy:  Uganda could soon become an energy powerhouse. With 3.5 billion barrels of oil and production expected to start in 2018, Uganda will soon become an important oil producer. Other blocks for exploration will be up for bid in 2015.  An American firm built the 250 MW Bujagali Dam and a U.S.-based company is working on a $150 MW geothermal project. There is growing interest in solar, wind, and biowaste energy projects.
·         Health: There is growing demand for sophisticated medical equipment in Kampala hospitals.  Donors and the private sector have expressed interest in building new hospitals to reach underserved populations.
·         Telecom & ICT: There has been phenomenal growth in mobile phones in the past decade and now smart phones are becoming more accessible. Makerere University offers a strong ICT program that is producing well-educated high-tech workers. The Ugandan government is planning to install infrastructure to increase bandwidth and internet speeds.
·         Infrastructure: This is a clear government priority—works and transport have received the largest share of the national budget three years in a row. Dozens of road construction projects are planned and the Ugandan government is also prioritizing rehabilitation and construction of the national electric grid. There are plans to expand and upgrade Entebbe International Airport
·         Light manufacturing: Improved infrastructure and reduced transit times will help make Uganda more competitive in this sector.  Kampala is ideally located to serve as a hub for underserved markets in the region.
Catalog exhibition fee: US$100.  Deadline for submission of catalogues: August 1, 2014 to the address:
Kevin Price, Economic and Commercial Officer
2190 Kampala Place
Dulles, VA 20189
Kevin Price, Economic and Commercial Officer
U.S. Embassy
Plot 1577 Ggaba Road
Kampala, Uganda
Tel: (+256) 414-306001 / 312-306001 / 414-259791
Please contact Kevin Price ( with any questions.
For payment, please contact Mary Masyuko (

Best Regards,

Benedict Kazora, MSEE, MBA
PresidentEastern Africa Diaspora Business Council (EADBC)
"Engaging the Diaspora for Eastern Africa Global Competitiveness"

Click here to Reserve your Room for UNAA San Diego at the Hyatt Regency La Jolla.
(The Only official UNAA Convention Hotel)
Click here to register for the UNAA San Diego Dinner Cruise


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Ugandan North America Association

6257 N McCormick Rd #118 Chicago, Il 60659


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