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{UAH} IT RUNS IN THE FAMILY: Big Drinkers: Uganda tops list for alcohol consumption in East Africa

Big Drinkers: Uganda tops list for alcohol consumption in East Africa

July 11, 2014 — At least 89 per cent of the alcohol consumed in Uganda is unregulated, home brewed and illegally sold, according to the Global Status on Alcohol and Health 2014 report.

east africa alcohol

Uganda is the highest consumer of alcohol per capita in the East African region, according to a newly released report. More worrying, Ugandans consume the unregulated type of alcohol classified as "others". The regulated market bears alcohol types such as beer, spirits and wine.

The Global Status on Alcohol and Health 2014 indicates that 23.7 litres of pure alcohol are consumed per capita by drinkers annually in Uganda. Rwanda and Burundi follow, each registering 22.0 litres per capita per year.

Kenyans follow with a registered 18.9 litres of alcohol consumed per capita while Tanzania consumes only 18.4 litres per capita.

The report that looks at alcohol consumption by people aged 15 and above carries research findings of 2010 and 2012 and it includes profiles of each country across all continents.

While the overall picture paints Uganda as a leading alcohol consumer in the region, details tell another story. At least 89 per cent of the alcohol consumed in Uganda is unregulated, home brewed and illegally sold, according to the report.

Beer consumption is still at a paltry nine per cent while spirits and wine consumers make up a tiny margin of the total alcohol consumed within the country. The bulk of alcohol consumed in Uganda is local brew which explains why the alcohol manufacturers may find it hard to agree with the research findings.

Health risks
Dr Sheila Ndyanabangi, the principal medical officer in charge of mental health and control of substance abuse at the Ministry of Health, said the amount of 23.9 litres of pure alcohol consumed by the drinkers in the country yearly is still quite high.

"But the more worrying thing is the high levels of consumption of unlicensed unregulated alcohol. The problem with this is that they are more likely to be adulterated. Most of the incidences of deaths and blindness we have had from the past have been in cases where people drink those brews. Sometimes they contain methanol which is harmful," Dr Ndyanabangi said.

She added that the findings do not bode well because it is harder for the government to regulate the unlicensed alcohol. "It is easier to regulate the manufactured alcohol, and ensure standards are kept. We need to find a way to bring this informal alcohol producing industry in to be able to protect the drinker," she said.

The global consumption average has risen from 6.1 litres to 6.2 litres per capita per year according to the 2011 Global Status on Alcohol and Health Report.

The highest consumption though, is still in the developed world, and largely in the European nations though the report indicates the percentage of total drinkers has dropped from 68 to 64 per cent.

Source: Daily Monitor

Gwokto La'Kitgum
"Even a small dog can piss on a tall Building", Jim Hightower

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