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{UAH} Pope Francis is an ANTI-CHRIST

The pope lied to his slaves that their is no hell. He is an anti christ and this is not the first blasphemous statement that he has made. He lied that Christ will never come back. He said that Christ was drunk when he made that statement.

His statement below is enough to warn all serious Christians that the Catholic Church is an anti Christ and a cult. I have been to hell, I have seen it and many people have been there.

Do not fall for this lie.

The Catholic Church is evil to the core. They practice idol worship, use relics of the dead like bones, clothes and blood of the dead in their worship of the dead

"It is not out of fear but out of a feeling for what is right that we should abstain from doing wrong." "Doing right is based most of all on respecting the other person." "We ought to do our best to help those who have suffered injustice." "The wise man belongs to all countries, for the whole world is a homeland to a great heart." "Poverty in a democracy is as much to be preferred to so-called prosperity under despots as freedom is to slavery" "I would rather discover a single causal law than be king of Persia!"
 Democritus (ca. 460 BC – ca. 370 BC

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