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{UAH} 'Wedding party of Baganda leaders leaving church'

On the back is written 1972. A Keystone sticker. And typed:
'In the Picture: The President of Uganda, General Idi Amin Dada (c.), is welcomed by members of the Ugandan Embassy of Bonn.
From the 7th to 11th of February 1972 the President of Uganda Idi Amin Dada, paid an official visit to the Federal Republic of Germany. He was accompanied by his wife, his Foreigh Minister Kibedi and by the heads of the following departments: finance, commerce, industry, tourist affairs and public works. On 7th February the Ugandan President was received in Bonn by Federal Chancellor Willy Brandt and on the 8th by Federal President Dr. Gustac W. Heinemann. Furthermore President Idi Amin Dada visited Cologne, Berlin, Hamburg and Munich. The purpose of this visit was to reinforce the economic contacts between Bonn and Kampala. The Federal Republic of Germany is the fourth commercial partner of Uganda.'

2.The person on the far left is Grace Ibingira. The man in the far right would then be Mathias Ngobi, who was Obote's Minister and then arrested and jailed also by Obote.

3.'Wedding party of Baganda leaders leaving church'

4.Omukama Kasagama and his Lukiiko : It is a picture shot by Vittorio sella in 1906 during The duke of Abruzzi expedition to The Rwenzori. The duke is Just beside kasagama.

Patriot in Kampala,East Africa
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