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{UAH} Who are the Research Professors

African political frivolity is interesting. Uganda has 32 Universities, yes Universities.


1.        That this country is facing an energy crisis yet if you ask how many Research Professors or students are doing research in energy systems and engineering you will basically find none! Not even a single institution or professor in micro dam or power generation systems research.

2.        Take for example of children dying in dormitory fires; this very brutal reality has not enticed an African to develop monitoring software services and devices or self-extinguishing mechanism or gadgets but they are talking or procuring fire-fighting trucks from China indeed.  

3.        Governments generates data and information, and hundreds of Radio and television stations, however there no single Research Professor I know of is specialising in informatics, data management, media and mass communication or Radio and Television Technology – there is none at all. May be Katwe artisans are also Research Professors.

4.        Buildings have killed people, however there is no low cost research in structural engineering, material sciences or technical physics. Not a single research professor can you trace in this nation doing this type of work or state funding to do the same!

5.        All are now aware of plastic problems but if you were to ask how many research facilities and Professors, in this country investigate in Clay (ceramics) use in cooking and homestead utensils, you can hardy find a single Research Professor into that area.

6.        Majority Africans live and sleep with ticks, bedbugs such a deplorable environment. However no single politicians has ever imagined African Research Professors is involved generating knowledge about household hygiene and low cost housing facilities.  

7.        Politicians will regurgitate Christian, and Arab imposition or "Our Values" however, if your were to ask how many African Leaders have produces or financed research and production in theoretical and Moral African philosophy (African sciences, medicine, reasoning, social structuring) there is virtually non. Today the churches and mosques have become worship of Evil and Satan in the name of the market. Yet politicians claim revolutionary zeal and such pure nonsense.

8.        There is a visible transport problem however there is basically no known research or researcher in Transport Systems, Engineering (whether animal, air, marine, road or railway) or traffic systems, using high or low efficient energy.  Industrialisation they regurgitate where there is not technological, mechanical, maritime and materials engineering!

9.        Majority people here use firewood (forests) to cook, fire bricks, however even climate warming can't make an African politician THINK Research professor in low energy systems, or alternative combustion system or fuel cells that can solve the problem.

10.        Most African towns are such farce, that modelling and designing them will require a new philosophy however, in majority so-called African nations there is no visible research in urban design or modelling. Tell me any single professor specialising in any single engineering architecture, urban design, modelling or planning.

11.        The above will i.e. inform you that there is constant reduction in soil carbon content, and surface water quality however – how many research professors is government funding to resolve a looming catastrophe? E.g. water quality and soil quality preservation? NONE.

12.        Banyankore, Karamojong for centuries have drunk milk hence with inbreeding however even though they have acquired genetic diseases you hardly find a single group of professor doing research into genetic diseases.

13.        Computers now are with us in phones, cars, doors however even military politicians have not sought African research professor in Computer engineering, Mathematics, science, biocomputer sciences. How many research computer science, engineering professors do you know?

14.        Then they will claim African birth of history yet there is virtually no Research professors or institutions in Conservation Museum or Science, archaeology, Architecture, Collections management, material conservation – only to run to the UNESCO to help rebuild their art facts.

15.        There is a wealth of herbal medicines and authentic African medical practice – rather than integrating these methods and researching, African politicians have called on investors to run hospitals and chemical laboratories. This science will indeed call for developments in biotechnology, biomedical, microbiological, nanotechnology, molecular biology, immunology, sustainable resource management, Climate studies and environmental studies.

16.        After Ebola Africans could do more about epidemiological studies- ask how many research professors are doing studies in new disease?

17.        Lake Victoria is so terribly polluted something that would have generated a lot of Urban Water Engineering ad management research, you can imagine what proportion the GDP I allocated for such research areas

Bwanika Nakyesawa Luwero

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