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SV: SV: {UAH} Studies on human behavior

FIRST, I think Mr. Kashambuzi and cahoots are too elitists, who are much quite self-consumed in drumming their only positions as most importance for the running of Uganda politics as engineered by their NRA/M7ism during his days at the formation of the FRONASA in the early, 1970s.
SECOND, take for example lately, BESIGYE stated clearly that, there exists no political parties in Uganda, without his active participation or leadership if I interpret him clearly. This means, (he) BESIGYE is trying to tell us Ugandans that as soon as M7 goes in the evening of his political game, it is him BESIGYE to take the mantle. So it is him (BESIGYE) who has the VISION for Uganda - absurd as it is!
LASTLY, you see, the squabbles between Kashambuzi, Sejusa and M7 Jr, Muhozi etal excludes the rest of us Ugandan political stake-holders. The question is, why are they trying to behave like this? My answer is, they all take their political dices from their hero M7. This is my interpretation of the events!
Mark you, though MUNTU is leading FDC - BESIGYE had not accepted or endorsed MUNTU as the true leadership as per BESIGYE's latest statement! I quote; "He also said that there were no (political) parties in Uganda, and people should never even think about it."  End quote - Source Observer 29th - 08 - 2014.
Ocaya pOcure

Den söndag, 31 augusti 2014 13:50 skrev 'Ocaya Mike pOcure' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <>:

FIRST, thousands apologies, but do not forget that you want to be a politician. Please bear with me politics is quite a difficult science because it will enclose even the CRIMINALS, INNOCENT folks, in short the whole sectors of society!
SECOND, do also respond to the folks, you feel are below your standards, but do not forget you are aspiring to lead us Ugandans as the whole sectors but not only the high elites!
THIRD, I think, as both you and me know how complex the issues of administering Uganda is concern, whereby the PhD holders had failed to steer Uganda successfully under the NRA/M7 regime. I hope your very good studies on human behaviours may fell short of Ugandan's needs.
LASTLY, I am just a simple political observer but not some sort of elites a PhD holders who specialises on complex issues those pretend to be politicians because of their elitism creeds!
Ocaya pOcure

Den söndag, 31 augusti 2014 2:10 skrev 'Simon Okurut' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <>:

Ndugu Ocaya pOcure,

If comrade Eric has documented evidence of his studies, please kindly ask for the link so  that we read and interpret for ourselves. However if what he says is true, then it is sad as it seems none is immune to the problem.

For example, our colleague Eric has recently been warning forum members of new arrivals who are destined to destroy the unified plan and has not spared kind words against Sejusa.  Isn't that a calculated move aimed at "Pulling Him Down?" It looks none is immune to this "studied human behaviour" by Eric.

For me, I do not deny pulling down people, at least once if what I did qualifies to be "pulling him down". It was to do with competing with another man over a beauty.

There was a friend and namesake of mine  who used to boast that he was the only one with the most beautiful girl-friend and never allowed us to see her photo because according to him, we were too ugly to see it. We swallowed the abuse and prayed that the Almighty God one day answers our prayers. We wanted to know who the girl was, where she came from and which high school she attended.

 It is good to pray always for God answers prayers, for me it happened one Easter Day. I chanced to meet the girl and deploying all the knowledge and literature language I could remember, I steered the discussion so well that the girl asked if I knew Peter a student in the same school. I told her that there were many Peters perhaps she could describe him (but I knew the guy she implied). She described him and even showed me his photo. Pretending further I asked if that was her brother and before waiting for her answer I described how terrible the boy was, always running to the dining hall especially when it was meat served and that the guy always did punishments (washing plates, serving food etc) because of dining hall related offences. I watched the girl's reaction as I mentioned one offence after the other. She must have believed me because she saw my "Prefect's Identity Card" issued to student leaders in our school, then, and I was handsome I was told, very cute in black and white photo those days. By the end of the discussion, I knew that my namesake's empire had been crumbled.

In our school then, older boys had mentees from lower classes. We used to call them our sons and they called us their dads. One common practice was for our communities to share stories and letters from our girl-friends. Each small boy was assigned a mother (one girl-friend) from a school and when such a girl wrote to her boy friend(elder) it was the small's responsibility to read for the father as the rest of the elders (senior boys) and small boys listened attentively. The other small boys armed themselves with pens and paper to jot down mistakes from their step mother etc. After reading the letter, another small boy would read from his mother (another girl-friend) and so forth. The small boy would start like thins," Daddy, this is what mammy has written: Dear my husband and future father of our bright children....." and we would laugh. The boy had also to edit his mammy's letters and point out the mistakes otherwise he would be punished and abused ".. like your mother..."

So, after one week, my namesake received a letter (actually I was the one honoured to mail it for her) from his girl-friend. Immediately my friend searched through many letters and distributed them to his "sons" for us to hear. So the "son" of the lady in question tore open the envelope and hesitated to read aloud the contents. We waited and the "father" became impatient so he roared out, "Read it now or you miss evening tea..." so the small boy started; Daddy, Mammy has written, "Dear Peter, I did not know that you are such a boy and I regret....." Quickly the guy knew something was wrong and grabbed the letter from his "son" and that marked the end of that day's assembly. We burst into laughter and I befriended the small boy to tell me more and to offer him protection. True, Peter disowned the boy (Sam) and I took over responsibility as culture demands that we take care of "orphans and widows."
The namesake was a big government officer in Uganda and the son (Sam) was a bank manager those days, I do not know what they are now.

After some time, the truth surfaced and I had no regrets, I told the guy to stop boasting as though he owned the entire world. Initially, we became distant in our relations but after some good time, we laughed over the matter and he would warn other friends not to boast around especially if I were around, that I was "dangerous."
If that is considered  "pulling him down" as Eric discusses, then I did it and now I regret, I won't do it to anyone again but those days, it was very good and fun.  It must have caused much anguish and it is no fun to see another man "suffer." I will apologize if I meet the guy for it is not fancy "pulling down" others

Peter Simon.

On Saturday, August 30, 2014 1:29:13 PM, 'Ocaya Mike pOcure' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <> wrote:

I think studying human behaviour and practicing what one had learnt are two different things. Let us not forget that, there exists many people who had studied several ideal educative subjects which could have made our Uganda the best country in the world.
But, just look how these PhD holders inside the NRA/M7 regime who could not perform anything quite better for the well-beings of the whole Ugandans. The question is, how will your intellectual studying of human behaviour in Uganda be interpreted into practice, I think what may pushed folks away from you.

Ocaya pOcure

Den fredag, 29 augusti 2014 18:56 skrev Eric Kashambuzi <>:

I have studied human behavior for a long time in Uganda and outside. More often than not people don't like successful individuals and don't like failed ones either. When you are successful those who don't like it will reason that you were either favored by God or you bribed your way to success and you should therefore be pulled down. When you are poor and vulnerable you are blamed for being lazy and should be left alone.
I remember a Zambian individual who worked in Kaunda government and left early to start a farm in southern Zambia near a highway. When this African farmer did very well he was accused that he had stolen government money to be able to start such a successful farm. How else could an African do so well is such a short time, so the argument went?  He had to hide his farm from public view by planting trees between the road and the farm. That is why in Africa PHD stands for "Pull Him Down".  
This behavior leads to constant conflicts and destruction of lives and properties especially in countries where there is no rule of law. In the end everyone lives in an atmosphere of insecurity and suspicion of one another.
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UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans. Individuals are responsible for whatever they post on this forum.To unsubscribe from this group, send email to: or Abbey Semuwemba at:

UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans. Individuals are responsible for whatever they post on this forum.To unsubscribe from this group, send email to: or Abbey Semuwemba at:

UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans. Individuals are responsible for whatever they post on this forum.To unsubscribe from this group, send email to: or Abbey Semuwemba at:

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