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{UAH} 2013 Financial Report -

Jude Sempungu/Brian Kwesiga/Rebcca Semambo,
1. I notice that in the tax returns, you characterize the money that Mr Moses Bukenya owes UNAA as a "loan". When we were in Dallas, we were told that he stole it. How did it then become a "loan"?
2. I notice that you indicated that the federal tax return was not shared with all members of the governing bodies before you filed it. Who was excluded and what was the basis of listing someone as a leader but not share a copy of the tax return with them?
3. You indicate that Jude reviewed the tax return before filing. Was he the only person that reviewed the tax returns before filing?
4. you indicate that in 2013, UNAA did not owe anyone in leadership money but we know that the 2012 tax return showed that we owed Brenda, Francis and Moses some money.  how do you explain this?
5. I saw several gaps in income and expenses but I'll get to those in a separate email.
p.s I apologize if someone else already asked you those questions...I haven't had a chance to read my UNAA emails in the past couple of weeks
For a faster response please contact me at 415.789.6427
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From: UNAA Secretariat <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 8:19 PM
Subject: UNAALIST Dallas 2013 Convention Financial Report - General Update on UNAA's Financial Status

Executive Committee Communication
Update on UNAA's Financial Status

1) Dallas 2013 Convention Financial Report here

2) Annual Financial Reports for 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and Now 2013 are available here

3) Annual UNAA Tax Returns for the calendar years 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 and Now 2013 are available here
Dear UNAA Members,

About two months ago UNAA's Director of Finance released the Third Quarterly Financial Report for the period ending May 31st 2014. This is the first time in our organization's 26 year history that Quarterly Financial Reports are being prepared and released. This and other prior quarterly reports have been made available to the public, and not just UNAA Members - Another UNAA First which cements our continued commitment to transparency and accountability.
We are now pleased to release to you the Dallas 2013 Convention Financial Report for the period; September 2 2012 to September 30th 2013 - This is also the first time that a convention financial report is being released in under 12 months and well before the next Annual General Meeting. You can access it here and have the time to prepare accordingly before the next AGM.
UNAA's membership has consistently demanded accountability and transparency through the publication of financial reports and like no other UNAA Administration before, we have released to the Public as prepared the Annual Financial Reports for 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and Now 2013. These reports are available online here:
NB: The missing 2012 financial year report was not prepared by the responsible 2011-2013 UNAA administration, and we remain unable to prepare and make public these records because we have no access to UNAA Bank Accounts and the details of any financial transactions before March 2012. 
We continue to encourage the UNAA Treasurer 2005 - 2011, Ms. Brenda Kiberu-Kalema to release to the current administration those bank statements and transaction details and to relinquish herself as a signatory on those Bank Accounts as required by the UNAA Constitution. We shall be updating you with any progress on this front and are pursuing all available options to cause the desired outcome. UNAA has over 9 Bank Accounts at Wells Fargo, 2005 - 2011, that are still active which the current Executive has no access to. Efforts to ensure a smooth transition have been unsuccessful. 
This administration remains fully committed to a full financial review and audit process for the last 10 years as demanded by the UNAA Members at the Dallas AGM. UNAA leaders present and past then therefore have a constitutional obligation to hand over all UNAA Financial Instruments and Records from their time in office.
This administration is also making available all the UNAA Tax filing reports that were handed over to us. For your review you will find UNAA tax returns for the calendar years 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2013 on the UNAA website by clicking here.
Last week, on July 24th 2014 the Pennsylvania Convention Center (PACC), formally wrote to the Executive demanding payment for an outstanding UNAA bill of $22,745.09 that the current administration inherited from the previous administration from the Philadelphia 2012 Convention; please see the attached invoice. The PACC communication can be seen here

As we have previously communicated to you, this administration remains committed to paying off all UNAA debts and being fiscally prudent like we did in Dallas 2013 and are now doing in San Diego.  
Unfortunately, as you will see in the Dallas Report, the former UNAA Treasurer, Mr. Moses Bukenya, has yet to account for and refund any part of $23,423 in UNAA funds - which led to his resignation.  This money would have been used to pay off the Philadelphia debt and relieve UNAA's membership of this unfair and unnecessary burden. 

It is however a true testament of the firm fiscal discipline we employed at UNAA Dallas 2013 that UNAA was able to break even despite of the former Treasurer's dishonesty. This is the standard we will deliver for UNAA San Diego and we will not waiver.
We shall communicate to you at the UNAA AGM the actions that we are taking to recover this money from the then UNAA Treasurer and the actions we have taken to prevent this from over occurring again, from Present and Future UNAA Treasurers.
All documents, contracts, bank statements used to prepare the Dallas Convention report will be available to UNAA Members in good standing during the San Diego Convention. You can become a UNAA Member by paying membership here;
In addition to Membership Payment; Good Standing Status requires that one's conduct is not deemed detrimental to the best interests of the Association.
With this report UNAA's Membership has exactly the same access to all financial records as UNAA's National Executive team. There will obviously be some questions and we request that they are appropriately addressed and directed to the UNAA Secretariat for compilation.
A Frequently Asked Questions Page will be set up here to ensure that they are adequately answered before the UNAA Annual General Meeting at the Hyatt Regency La Jolla. 
UNAA Secretariat  
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