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{UAH} The Gaza strip should be annexed to Egypt or Israel

Hamas relies on a sword to achieve its desired goals. They use DEATH as the motivation to act. Hamas thought that they are the best experts on violence and murder. Little did Hamas know that the Jews have tested death and violence longer than them. The same devil which drove Hamas to recruit innocent children into becoming suicide bombers  penetrated the thoughts of the Jews and drove them into becoming insensitive to Hamas' deaths. 
Violence and using death as a motivation to act has never worn any war because violence meets violence and both sides lose. Hamas murdered Christians in Gaza. Hamas murdered supporters of Fatah by forcing them to jump off tall buildings and through public executions.  Hamas thinks that it can win battles by causing death and using death as an advantage over their opponents. With its strict Islamic principles, Hamas supporters are bigoted, blood thirsty and do not use reason.
Hamas continues to fire rockets at Israel even when they know that they do not have the capacity to protect the innocent Palestinians when Israel retaliates with its military power. There is no difference between Hamas and NRA terrorists. NRA used to provoke the UNLA and then after, they could run away into the bush, leaving innocent civilians at the mercy of Obote's murderous army.

Do you really think that NRA cared for the people of Luwero? Of course not. The same applies to Hamas. What Hamas wants is power and domination over the people of Gaza. It also wants to dominate Israel. It is all about power and not the welfare of the people.

If Hamas cares about the people of Gaza, they should not be firing these rockets into Israel day and night. Israel now has the right to annex Gaza for its own protection. No country will stand akimbo and look on as a rag tag terror organisation fires rockets onto its territory. This is an opportunity for Gaza to be made part of either Israel or Egypt. If Israel leaves Hamas to control Gaza, another war will just be  waiting around the corner.
Palestine needs leaders who cultivate the art of negotiation and compromise as a means of resolving differences and achieving mutual understanding. Palestine needs people who are concerned with securing justice and fairness in society and eliminate  discrimination and intolerance.

Hamas turned against Egypt by supporting the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt had stood with Palestine for a long time. Now, Egypt does not want Hamas at all. Then, Hamas supported Al-Qaida in Syria yet, the Syrian government had stood in for Hamas for a long time. By supporting Al-Qaida in Syria, Hamas automatically fell out with Iran and other Shia led Arab governments. Hamas gets its ideology from the Koran. They are tunnel-visioned and they play on public sympathy through acting victimhood.

It is time for Gaza to be annexed to either Israel or Egypt. Hamas has no future plans for the people of Palestine. Hamas' soldiers can go on  and fight Jihad with ISIS or commit suicide as that is their  sworn destiny. Either way,  I ain't bothered.

"It is not out of fear but out of a feeling for what is right that we should abstain from doing wrong." "Doing right is based most of all on respecting the other person." "We ought to do our best to help those who have suffered injustice." "The wise man belongs to all countries, for the whole world is a homeland to a great heart." "Poverty in a democracy is as much to be preferred to so-called prosperity under despots as freedom is to slavery" "I would rather discover a single causal law than be king of Persia!"
 Democritus (ca. 460 BC – ca. 370 BC)

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