{UAH} Welcome to San Diego
26th Annual UNAA Convention
"Unity through Cultural Awareness"
August 29th – September 1st, 2014
Hyatt Regency La Jolla
(Official hotel of the UNAA Convention)
San Diego, CA
"Welcome to San Diego"
It is a simply magnificent day in San Diego today. Temperatures at the Hyatt Hotel are expected to hover in the high 80's with a slight breeze.
Speakers, entertainers, delegates and other VIPs have already begun to arrive and voices laughing and speaking in various Ugandan languages can be heard throughout the hotel.
This is the "eve" of the start of the 26th Annual Convention of the Ugandan North American Association. Tomorrow will feature the much anticipated Trade and Investments Forum, a gospel concert by the Revival Power Ministries Choir, opening ceremonies and high intensity entertainment.
Welcome to San Diego.
For UNAA convention information
Convention Registration: http://www.unaa.org/register-now
Boat Cruise Registration: http://www.unaa.org/dinner-cruise-registration
UNAA Social Media:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/UNAA01
Twitter: http://twitter.com/unaaorg
Google Plus: www.google.com/+UnaaOrg
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/3488483
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