{UAH} Dirt on Amama? by Bernard Olupot
In the past 3 or 4 days, I have received seven emails from ardent readers of this Blog, something that rarely happens. Now while I appreciate readers getting in touch, I was somewhat taken aback by this strange happening. Don't get me wrong, I have ardent readers, many of whom are really just sympathetic friends with very little choice when it comes to reading my Blog but hey, they are readers all the same. However, these readers rarely email and when they do, it is just a small compliment here, a grammatical correction there or a worthless disagreement but generally nothing of very substantial note. So receiving seven emails with a similar subject "Your Blog" I felt like something huge was happening or about to happen.
I was excited to receive email from readers but when I analysed the emails, it dawned on me that maybe this email idea had been orchestrated by the same person – which didn't do my inflated ego much boost at the time but really got me wondering why this person had insisted on using different accounts to send me emails talking about the same thing.
This guy was asking (through his various email addresses) that I do a piece on John Patrick Amama Mbabazi and 'his evils'. He was even generous enough to share a brief list and added in one of the emails that in case I needed more information I could get in touch with him. Now before I even go further with this Blog post, I have to admit that I have a soft spot for Patrick. And so I replied each of the emails with a very simple 'No'. Of course there was all this rubbish I added about how I do not like to discuss people's lives and how I am not a journalist to give an informed view about the former PM and his employment 'evil ways'. I may or may not have added a question of my own; something about the email sender(s) using another blogger for such ludicrious ideas as soiling the image of Patrick.
However I had to clear the air for the sender(s) of the emails and offer reasons why I cannot do a piece on my friend Patrick's evils – if any.
Patrick is a cool guy
Have you seen the way this guy called John Patrick Amama Mbabazi carries himself around in public? Have you seen how crisp, neat and tidy his suits are? The only other two people I know who come close to suiting up the way Patrick does are; my friend on TV Maurice Mugisha and my other lawyer friend Muchakaze. They totally have the suit memo pinned on the noticeboards of their lives. Truth is I never want to dress like such men. The times I have worn a suit in my life can be counted off the fingers of one hand. The only times I am 100% sure I will ever wear a suit again will be on my wedding (which may or may not happen) and on my funeral (it appears customary to be buried in an expensive suit so a good chunk of my life's savings are going to this cause). Other than that, I am not too keen on the suit. However, I totally admire and respect Maurice, Amama and Muchakaze. Their style is so awesome. There is therefore no way I am going to write anything bad about Amama when he embodies a smart, elegant and composed man. Not now, not ever!
Even in his moments of tranquility Patrick is ever so neat and tidy.
Patrick and I are friends … sort of
Patrick and I are actually buddies. Before you disregard this seemingly wild allegation, please hear me out. Patrick does not know me in person. I even doubt he knows any of my relatives (close and distant) or friends. However, quite strangely, the former Prime Minister John Patrick Amama Mbabazi actually follows me on Twitter. Boom! I know what you are thinking – that I am probably making this up. No; really, go check. He and I follow each other on Twitter. Occasionally I say hello to him and guess what, he responds right back – with very articulate and well constructed English any Grammar Nazi would make a salute right away. This Amama-and-I-following-each-other thing may not sound like a big deal because he follows 1,125 other Tweeps. Also, I am fully aware that I cannot walk into the Bank and use Amama's Twitter follow back as security for a bank loan but hey, it is the closest I will probably ever get to royalty. So forgive me for not wanting to say anything foul about my friend from Twitter.
I won't be too shocked to receive one of these at the end of this year
Shya! Others have gone too
In one of the emails, I was asked to put out a blog ridiculing Patrick for losing the PM job and calling him all sorts of things from a weakling to an unfocussed politician. However, if my memory serves me right, I believe Patrick is not the first PM this country has had, neither will he be the last. Amama is now in the fine company of former PMs that include Benedicto Kiwanuka, Milton Obote, Otema Allimadi, Paulo Muwanga, Abraham Waligo, Samson Kisekka, George Cosmas Adyebo, Kintu Musoke and Apolo Nsibambi. Some may have long passed on but it is safe to say that these were all brilliant brains. Patrick was PM for 3 years and 117 days which by all standards was a good enough time to go down as a fairly long term. Besides, it was unlikely he would be PM forever, right?
We've come too far to throw away our friendship
The issue of Presidency
It is somewhat impossible to talk about John Patrick Amama Mbabazi without talking about the issue of presidency. I know two friedns who have resigned themselves to not discussing presidency because according to them Uganda is now a monarch. Other than these two, the rest of us like to think that in 2016 or 2021 (or whenever Mr. 1986 relinquishes power) a suitable replacement will have to be found. Now before anyone can start saying that I am endorsing Amama, I would like to say this out loud – I am curious to see what happens in 2016. If Amama vies for presidency like many journalists seem to propose then we should see some really healthy battle. If he does not, I will be keen to see whose behind he follows seeing as he seems to have a substantial following himself. So, again, there is no way this will happen if we go around investing our time and resources in mudslinging and sharing nasty secrets that may or may not be true.
It will be nice to see the Politicians go at each other in 2016
So No dirt on Patrick?
That's right – none whatsoever. I actually like Patrick despite the fact that every time I see him smile I feel like someone somewhere is either losing a life or a job. He seems like a real schemer that one; the type of guy that can plan your death with you right there in front of him. But then again, like I mentioned at the beginning, I have grown fond of him so much that I would probably bet my left arm that he is a spotless person. Don't worry – I don't use my left hand too much anyway.N
No left hand? No problem.
Oh and in case anyone runs into Patrick, pass on my regards and let him know that I wish him all the best in his endeavors. While everyone is quick to start digging up dirt on him, I will be among the few who will fight temptation and not beat up a man when he is down. And just so we are clear, he is down but he is certainly not out – I think.
Bernard"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art…. It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival." ― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves
a.k.a Beewol
"War is nothing but a continuation of political intercourse, with a mixture of other means. Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."
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