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The desperate Museveni is trying to impose patriotism programs on Ugandans. For sometime now, the idea has been floating first starting with the patriotism clubs in schools and currently a law is in the offing. Of course the patriotism law will be passed and like all other of his laws, it will create offences aimed at curbing dissent.

What is clear is that Museveni has come to grips with the fact that Ugandans have discovered his lies and manipulative ways that have sustained his hold on power. No doubt the patriotism program will entail the following aspects:-

1. Indoctrinating Ugandans to love Museveni and his NRA. This will involve the skillful and gradual erasure of the word Uganda and replacing it with NRA and Museveni. In that way the history of Uganda will be rewritten to look as if it started around 1972 when Museveni went to exile and got involved in the struggle to oust president Iddi Amin. Museveni will be portrayed as the father of the nation who has an unique supper natural intelligence to lead Uganda. With time, civil servants, party cadres, members of security forces and the general population will be required to take the oath of allegiance to the Chairman of NRA (Museveni) and his ideologies instead of Uganda and its constitution. Once that is achieved he will even relinguish the Presidency to his figure head as he retains the NRA chairmanship that he will use to run the country till his death. The history pertaining to Ugandas struggle for independence will be discarded since it involves Obote, UPC, DP and the Baganda.

2. To Achieve No. 1 above, the formal education carriculum  will be twisted to suit his designs of undermining quality education that started sometime back. Much emphasis will be put on teaching political education/civics that will be nothing other than preaching the NRA gospel according to Saint Museveni. Simple technical skills will be encouraged through VOCATIONAL TRAINING as a way of undermining quality education that provides the population with capacity to question  his designs. To achieve this one of the tools will be to introduce Swahili in schools with the aim of undermining the English language.  Gradually the English language which will be branded as the language of the colonisers will be replaced with Swahili as the medium of teaching. In the end the education standard of the country will drastically fall propmpting the financially able individuals to smuggle their children out of the country for quality education. In the end we shall have two types of education for the citizens i.e the quality education provided by private institutions benefiting the few and the majority poorly educated Ugandans.

With this state inspired ignorance of the general population, Ugandans will be easy to brainwash and indoctrinate. Tribal language, customs, chiefs and kings will be constrained and eventually phased out. Belief in supersititutions and traditional religious practices will be on the rise thus African solution to African problems.

3. The campaign against western imperialism will be intensified . All the underdevelopment will be blamed on the colonialists, western imperialism and their local agents (opposition parties). The school history sylabus will manipulated to eliminate the roles of early european explorers, INVENTORS and great thinkers. The role of early christian missionaries will be despised as agents of colonialism who were responsible for dividing Africans. Instead it will be the roles of the likes of Karl Marks, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castrol, Gadafi and Museveni who will be preached as being the great men of the modern world. Western culture (entertainment, fashion and sports )will be discouraged. The more popular English Premier League will be discouraged in favor of local tournaments.

4. Physcologically preparing the population for tougher economic times to come that will be blames on donors and western imperialism. Preparing ground for tougher and unviable economic measures that will further improverish the masses because poor people are easy to manipulate. While top acheleons of the rulling clique will economically prosper, much of the national income will be INVESTED into security forces including the intelligence services. The population will always be remainded and moblised for an immaginary impending enemy. Paramilitary training will be intensified for most adults and mandatory national service will be introduced. The masses will be moblised to spy on each other. The NRA structures right from the village to the national level will be informal intelligence stractures for the party and the its chairman leaving the nation vulnerable. In that way, it will be easy for the masses to blindly support injustified wars of agression and military adventures. The massses will forefeight their rights and freedoms of dissenting against unjust government policies. All forms of dissent will branded subversive and treasonous. offences like economic subotage  will be created and punished severely.

5. To strengthen the policy of patriotismNRA regional and district commissioners, local government councils, cadres, security forces (esp the Police and intelligence) will be accorded exclusive powers to coarse and surpress all forms of dissent. Parliament and the judiciary will be fully incorporated into the structurew of the NRA. We shall witness more army officers seconded to ministries, local government, parastals and other bodies.


Viele GruBe

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