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Sarah Kagingo is Museveni's Special Presidential Assistant in charge of communication. She is a Muslim from Mbarara District. She was a Guild President of MAKERERE UNIVERSITY during 1997/98. After graduating she worked with Museveni's BROTHER, Gen. Saleh where they were instrumental in campaigning for Museveni' selection. 
In April 2013 Museveni appointed her his Special Media Advisor. Since then she has introduced Museveni to the social platform thus bringing him closer to the online community through timely updates on Twitter and Facebook. Later she was promoted to the position of  Special Presidential Assistant on Communication. As such, Museveni was recently voted as the most influential African leader on Twitter though Amama Mbabazi emerged as the most interactive leader on Twitter. Because of her position she has since got closer to the Museveni more than anybody else. She travels alot with him both within and outside the country. In that way she has the security clearance to physically access Museveni at her own convenience to the extent of sometimes riding in the same car with him. In an interview with one of the Dailies she had this to say "I'd like to be remembered as one who woke up a government to the social media and how I communicated the President's activities promptly".

Of recent Sarah Kagingo has hit headlines following Local TV footage showing the Police rescuing a 16 years old girl from residence whom they claimed was a her maid that she was allegedly abusing. Later on her reaction was that the said girl was her own relative and not a maid whom her haters were using in their efforts to bring her down. It has also emerged that Sarah Kagingo had earlier filed a criminal case of assault against Major Edith Nakalema but the Police is reluctant to follow it up.

RO 08654 Major Edith Nakalema is a soldier under Museveni's SFG and a Private Secretary to Museveni. She hails from Kashari in Mbarara District and is married to Major Jimmy Ansizua. Though born decades after Uganda gained independence, she was awarded an Independence Medal. When she was a Captain she together with the First son's wife Chalotte to champion Mama Kazi - a scheme to enhance income of SFG soldiers whose commanding officer is the first son Brig. Muhoozi. There has been several complaints from both military and civilian staff of State House over Nakalema's high handedness. She recently inhumanly terminated and the EMPLOYMENT of civilian cooks before disgracefully chasing them from all State House installations including Rwakitura. Now there is this new allegation of assaulting a fellow employee Sarah Kagingo.

She is a former Private Secretary to Museveni who was replaced by Major Edith Nakalema. She is the wife of Anania Tumukunde who was Museveni's Advisor on IT before he was arrested  in the UK and convicted over money laundering charges. It is alleged that she was dropped partly because of her husband's activities.

As the saying goes: Once bitten by a snake you fear lizards. In the past Museveni fathered children with a State House HOUSE KEEPER whom he has since then turned into a second lady housed at Kisozi Ranch. It is said that one of the tasks of Maj. Nakalema is to keep off ladies from getting close to Museveni. Sarah Kagigo is an attractive young lady and is not married. She was offered the job by Museveni personally and she described it thus "I was excited to receive a call from the President and had to take up the job". She at times moves in the same car with the Museveni. Her social media project has so much moved Museveni that at times he takes selfies with a mobile phone. Remember the scene during the burial of Mandela where Michelli Obama was not comfortable with the Obama's selfies. Amid Kagingo's woes, Museveni and the First Lady were at Major Nakalema's home in Mbarara attending a thank giving ceremony. It has since emerged that Museveni was dragged to the ceremony by the First Lady and and son

Museveni's inner security circle is manned by the most trusted soldiers. Major Nakalema could be one of them. All those soldiers that civilians that have physical access to Museveni undergo periodic security vetting. Given the growing dissent among Ugandans against Museveni's governance, his physical security is an issue. However, there are civilian staff like cooks, housekeepers, drivers, medical personnel etc that can not be denied access to Museveni. Kagingo also falls in this category. His security intelligence runs a surveillance on such staff members who get close proximity to the President. It develops profiles pertaining to 'political clarity', morale, private life pertaining to social connections with members of the public. This security clearance extends to all soldiers under the SFG as at one time now Capt Tinka who had been deployed by the army headquarters as the RSM to the then PGB was rejected while much earlier on Asingura Kagoro was given one hour to vacate PPU in the late 80s. It is not clear how easy it is for the intelligence to secretly carry out surveillance on Kagingo to the Mosque for prayers. This ensurers that such people are not compromised (used to cause physical harm to Museveni). This is how Kisembo his chief DRIVER who had driven him for over a decade was recently disgracefully dropped. Much earlier on his other driver a one Mutabazi had fled to the USA. Currently Museveni is carrying out a militarisation process of most civilian institutions. As of now out of his seven drivers, five are soldiers.
In the bush when there was a challenge to his leadership from some section of his fighters, he isolated his command post with barricades and surrounded himself with the likes of Saleh, Rwigyema as his  immediate neighbors. History is repeating itself. However, in the instant case it is not likely that Kagingo is a security threat unless her enemies frame her up. But again, is she not entitled to SECURITY GUARDS from the SFG and if so how comes that according to TV footage, her residence was  kind of deserted with only a maid allegedly some days.

It is undisputed that State House is a center of most of the shoddy deals where the country has lost large chunks of tax payer's money. Most of the corruption scandals have either originated from, sought protection or ended up silenced by state house. Some reliable sources confirm that because of large money deals being coordinated by state house account for the level of intrigue among the staff members. It is in this regard tha on the ongoing railway saga Museveni stated thus "corrupt officials in State House had stolen minutes of the delicate meeting with investors and shared them with a rival Chinese company". At one time he even claimed that his signature had been forged.

There are many behind the scene politicking that take place in State House that are designed to suffocate democracy in Uganda but they are often denied in public. Now that Sarah Kagingo is keeping track of Museveni's engagements and making them public immediately, wont it in one way or the other incriminate Museveni in the shoddy dealings hence denying him room for denials? This question can only be answered by Museveni himself.

Kagingo was offered the job through a personal phone call by Museveni. She has been working for Museveni as a person and is not a publicservant. Since the current saga started, Museveni has not comeout clear and Kagingo continues to serve him. It is only Museveni who can terminate her services either because of security breach which should have been immediate or at the insistence of the First Lady through Maj. Nakalema.Otherwise Kagingo may be reaping what she sowed by riding on the tiger's back.


Viele GruBe

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