From: camnetwork@yahoogroups.com [mailto:camnetwork@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 9:34 AM
To: SOBA76; Ccast Bambili
Subject: [camnetwork] ICC is a Kangaroo Court.
For anyone who doubts this, get a random transcript of any ICC case of your choice and sit back in wonder and read how this court uses no evidence or blatant rumors to convict. It is a crime that a sitting African president will even comply with a summons from this political lynch house.
Why Kenya's president came to the International Criminal Court — and why that's a problem for the ICC
My belly aches every time I hear about ICC.
Taylor was convicted based on evidence of this type:
These are paraphrases:
Lawyer to "amputtee" witness: How do you know that it was Mr. Taylor who ordered that your arms be cut off?
Witness( A Sierra Leonean): When they were cutting off my hands, they (the street thugs) told me President Taylor sent them.
The witness says it and it must be true!
To support the claim that Mr. Taylor instigated massacre in Sierra Leone in order to get hold of the diamonds, one English model was called to give evidence. What was the evidence?
"Mr. Taylor sent his boys to my hotel room in South Africa to give me some dirty diamonds". It was accepted as evidence. The dirty diamonds were supposed to have been dug up from Sierra Leone.
Wandas! Well, she's a model and her conclusions make for the truth.
Of course, the president of Liberia is such a dolt that, he does not know that diamonds need to be polished before using them to woo a woman or he could not afford to send his "boys" to purchase appropriate diamond from jewelers for miss Campbell.
When the ICC makes accusations, you'd think that they have evidence--they never do. They accuse you and then go on a fishing trip.
This is a world class disgrace. Hearsay, innuendo, conjecture make up for evidence in this court. I'm glad Cameroon is not a signatory to this sham of a court.
One of the perils of this ICC disgrace is that the rightful, natural tendency to fight for a belief even to death has been made a crime by Western powers that will not hesitate to bomb, gas, or nuke anyone who threatens their "way of life" or their beliefs.
Posted by: Michael Chambo <mfcm123@yahoo.com>
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