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{UAH} Another copy and paste from UAH about Mbabazi and Museveni

Mbabazi's Daughter Nina Busts Museveni's Secrets

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NINA MBABAZII was challenged to find out the truth about Museveni's origin and I have asked around. I will not of course lay claim to be the expert but this is what I have been told;

1. Museveni was born in Ruhaama Ntungamo in the plateau behind that Ndaija hill of Rwampara. This plateau strands Uganda – Rwanda border so sorry to burst your bubble. He is very much Ugandan and so is Amos Kaguta his father.

2. The Banyakore are nomadic in nature like the Karamajong and what one has to understand is that for such people the borders are very fluid. In fact for all of us who come from border districts (39 of them) the borders are very fluid.

3. His father's cow settlements saw him move across, Ntungamo, Rukungiri, Kisoro, Tanzania. If you go to Kisoro, they will show you where some of Kaguta's relatives settled in their nomadic movement period (I will get the details later)

4. The Bahima like the karamajong tend to thrive when living in a herd simply because their cows are their only livelihood so like their cows, there is comfort in baraaro numbers.

5. Museveni comes from a very backward Kinyankore family of the Basiita clan and very poor and humble background. These banyanokre did not bury their dead. In fact they believe that when someone died, you simply moved away from the "hut" where they had died because their death had come as a result of witchcraft. These people had a very strong belief in witchcraft and practiced it. It would explain why he got saved at Ntare?

6. His family was so conservative that when the Omugabe's chiefs introduced the law of every household having latrines, Amos Kaguta's brothers and sisters protested. They were used to open air defecation. It is the refusal to build latrines that saw many of Kaguta's brothers seek self exile in Tanzania in Karagwe with their cows. They have since moved back and abandoned their backward ways.
7. Muhoozi is Janet's son. He is named after Janet's brother who disappeared/was killed/ a great mystery when they were very young. Her brother was called Kainerugaba and in memory of her brother, she named her son after him. She is after all a Mweine Rukari and very proud of it (Don't ask me what that means, I have no clue).
This has all been narrated to me by an OB of Ntare who comes from Rwampara and knows this family very well. He was also in S1 when YKM was in the senior school so it is an outsider telling what was talked about that boy who was not as prominent as Mwesiga Brown at Ntare and appeared rather destined for an ordinary life compared to the rest of the chiefs' sons who were well polished, intelligent and articulate.

In fact I was also told that FRONASA was not started by Museveni but it started in the 1960's by a group of chiefs' sons of which Mwesiga Brown was the Leader. The group did not pursue it further and in 1972 another set of Ntare boys called Yoweri Museveni and Amama Mbabazi decided to push the FRONASA forward. It is therefore not factual that he is the founder. I have not received any information from Museveni himself.
Amama Mbabazi
Muhoozi's mother is Janet Museveni not any woman from Ntare Secondary school as Obote claimed in his memoirs. There has never been a female student at Ntare. It was an all boys' school. Believe me, I know. My dad, my dad in law, and all the gang of NRMs that went there have been very categorical on this one. There has never been and unless Ntare becomes Co-ed in 2011, there will never be a girl from Ntare School.
I know that by 1972 FRONASA was dead, because the Main leader Mwesiga was disillusioned. If some of you got your stories from Museveni's ''Sowing the Mustard Seed'' , it gives a very wrong account of how it was revived. FRONASA was formed by Ntare boys with Martin (brown) Mwesiga as leader in the 1960s, it of course suffered from social class problems with the Mwesiga's on a higher level (Sons of Chiefs) and the others (Museveni's) who were just trying to be visible but could not match the level of sophistication of chiefs sons. But brown was a people magnet and people found him friendly and non-threatening.
In fact when Museveni wanted to revive FRONASA in 1972, he looked for my dad who then brought him a very vocal, noisy cantankerous leader from Makerere who was in his year. The leader was Otafiire. Museveni(M7) in his book has misrepresented the facts for reasons that are obvious. While Museveni was in the external wing then, Tanzania, Zambia he proceeded to activate more members of the group. It was a group of mostly Western Uganda boys and never expanded until it was brought to Makerere University. In the 1960s in Ntare for those who were there, the first formation of the group was like a debate club where radical views were shared.

As a matter of fact, while Museveni was activating the external wings, my father was activating the internal wings within Uganda. I think you will get great insight when his biography comes out. I have not engaged with my father on this. I have spent time with his OBs and the FRONASA crowd asking them these questions. I have always wanted to hear his part of the story which he doesn't tell because he claims to be too busy.I think that when you read the ''Mustard Seed'', you must read a book and see that this is the way Museveni wants you to view history. It isn't necessarily in line with the fact.
I think that Kategaya, Museveni, Amama, Ruzindana and all of them were all in UPC because they believed in the ideology and the common man's charter and nothing else. My father was diehard UPC because of his father who was active in Kinkiizi at that time as a political elder. They left UPC because they felt that the leadership was just giving lip service to serving country and then they formed UPM. The formation of UPM saw the likes of Rukikaire, Bidandi join them. The UPM crowd says that the FRONASA crowd was too hard-line and too communist and to form UPM, they has to make them abandon their ideologies somewhat. The UPM crowd, according to my father in law, for example, found my father's rigid stance very difficult to deal with. They then preferred to work with Museveni who seemed to accept the middle ground. So to answer someone earlier, M7 never had any Marxist tendencies. He simply had middle ground tendencies as witnessed in the current election campaign.
When Museveni left for DP, Kategaya and the Ntare group thought he was a traitor to the cause. FRONASA has been made into such a big word in part because this is where Museveni derives his history of struggle from BUT and I repeat BUT, he is not the founder of the first FRONASA in 1960s. He was an active member of the club as was all the Ntare boys but their leader was Martin Mwesiga, you are free to dismiss this if you wish but the truth is the truth. Mwesiga was the leader until he met his death in 1973. You know he is not the founder because when Museveni, my father and Otafiire revived it in 1973, there was still that personal struggle for power between the two Mwesiga and Museveni. People still gravitated towards Mwesiga and he remained a balancing factor according to the Ntare boys.
My father was a state attorney during Iddil Amin and was arrested by Amin for taking pictures of his in-laws graduation at Makerere. My father worked as a State Attorney when he graduated from law school in 1970s so yes he served in Ministry of Justice while working in the underground movement. The expansion of other non Ntare boys into FRONASA started in earnest in 1973, not before that. The Maumbe Mukwana's, Nambuya's all of those are people that Museveni recruited in Mbale.

My father is actually the one who told Binaisa that he was President. Binaisa became President by only 11 votes and Amama could not have been there to encourage a life Presidency when he enjoyed the coolers courtesy Amin. Augustine Ruzindana was a member of the first group. He would like to portray his significance in the post 1973 FRONASA as significant but it has been repeatedly denied by all.
Like I said, Museveni was the most amiable of all the FRONASA people. People gravitated to him because he was persistent and yet had the qualities of someone who wishes to maintain the middle ground and make everyone happy. In forming UPM, FRONASA lost almost all its character because they compromised beyond recognition. FRONASA died the day UPM was born.
Museveni was a member of DP. His friends thought him ideologically bankrupt for moving from UPC to DP and then UPM. I think this is Kategaya's main bone of contention with him? The members of FRONASA after 1979 wanted to form their own party, they needed members and they made many compromises in the process. It was not a well thought out political move. It was simply bringing people together for purpose of creating a party to keep FRONASA alive, but when they did eventually find the people, they mutated so much that anyone looking at the two organization now would simply say that they are not one and the same.
What was happening in Western Uganda was that the political debate and inclination was based on pastoralism. for example in Mpororo the Karegyeza group were UPC leaning and the UPC was clearly advocating for all to have land titles and settled cattle rearing. The Bahima of Mbarara mostly under the influence of the Omugabe were DP and very conservative Bahima who like I said earlier defecated in open spaces and resisted toilets. If you go to deep Kyankwanzi were baraaro are, you will find that they are still the same. They would probably not even know that Museveni was President if they didn't have radio's. Anyway this Bahima group were in DP primarily because DP said that to have titled land would cause them to lose their grazing land and culture. The DP group was led by Byanyiima and Omugabe and the Omugabe is very significant here as I will explain later.In Bushenyi they embraced cattle grazing as a non pastoral activity and hence the UPC support but even then, it was on idivi

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