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Re: {UAH} UPC leaders from Acholi abandon Otunnu, endorse Museveni for life presidency-I told you so


You amuse me by your observation. You seem to know only one type of family: patriarchal nuclear family (a husband and wife) and may be a few children so that since Otunnu is known not to have a wife according African standards, therefore he has no family to manage? What about single parent family, extended family, same sex families, women headed families? Do you suggest having a family is synonymous with leadership? Look at leaders in the world, how many have more than one wife or how many are unmarried, and how is their leadership? In the US, Clinton and George Bush both had a wife each (of course the US constitution denies them the luxury of having more than one wife);  now compare Clinton's administration to that of Bush, and in terms of leadership, which one was a better leader? Or come back to Africa: Zuma has many official wives, how is his leadership compared to his friend like Kikwete; Museveni and Mugabe are each married, how is their leadership, are Zimbabweans and Ugandans enjoying life since they life presidents are properly married and their wives are wielding state power?

What amuses me the more is how single women and men who have failed in marriage also blaming Otunnu; if marriage is all that important, why are some of us single by divorce? We are hypocrites or non-critical in thinking.

Are you suggesting that having a wife and children is a good practice for leading a country, is managing a family similar to heading a country? Or are trying to say women are TOO difficult so that managing them gives one the practice required to manage millions of people and services? If wives are as hard to manage as you suggest, then Otunnu might be wiser than some of us who married; and could that explain the high rate of divorce in some communities and countries?

I do not blame Otunnu if he chose to avoid headache from women, I see his point if that is the reason for not marrying. We are back to discussing other people's choices of how they lead their lives, revolving on matters that mean little for governance.

Peter SImon


From: mkatono via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2014 4:57 AM
Subject: Re: {UAH} UPC leaders from Acholi abandon Otunnu, endorse Museveni for life presidency-I told you so

The  guys are right in a way, if that person cannot manage a family - it is only God who knows for what ever reasons, and you expect him to lead the entire country. Mmmmmm!!!

On Friday, November 7, 2014 11:27 AM, nyaronyango <> wrote:

Ahhh! Ladit?

Have you just said that Olara is also pakalast?

I give up - and me?  Nääj - I won't revisit this topic any more. Iam done.  Over to Mulindwa.


Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------
From: ladujah17
Date:07/11/2014 09:19 (GMT+01:00)
Subject: Re: {UAH} UPC leaders from Acholi abandon Otunnu, endorse Museveni for life presidency-I told you so

My sister  Nyar has got it twisted once again . Nyar, rest assured , the party of the people is going from strength to strength. As we speak now, the UPC party president is managing to form a formidable coalition against the dictatorship in Kampala. Apparently, the establishment is quite worried about the way Otunnu has managed to convinced the leaders to come together and focus on the real enemy of the people instead of battling each other. Lastly, it must be clear, Olara Otunnu is here to stay until he gets the job done. 
Have a good day 
Comrade Nyero Gulu Municipality 

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

-------- Original message --------
From: Frank Mujabi <>
Date:07/11/2014 07:07 (GMT+00:00)
Subject: Re: {UAH} UPC leaders from Acholi abandon Otunnu, endorse Museveni for life presidency-I told you so

But how can an ambassador get involved in politics at this level?

Is it allowed ?

Sent from my iPhone

On 6 Nov 2014, at 22:47, nyaronyango <> wrote:


Skitsamma! Ofcourse I know that there is not a single UPC mp from Acholi. Never mind that Ocaya P'Ocure promised us that Acholi would never vote UPC if Olara  was not the UPC president....

Nok, you are letting down Sweden if u still reason like this -  do you blieve that it is a crime to mention the word Acholi?  Aaaah! Lubanga tye Göteborg!


Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------
From: "'gaumoy nockrach-laduma' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community"
Date:06/11/2014 19:35 (GMT+01:00)

Subject: SV: {UAH} UPC leaders from Acholi abandon Otunnu, endorse Museveni for life presidency-I told you so

Sorry the click cut off the cont...,
Nyar just concluded that it were in Acoli(( rd.,Olara Otunu land)).Nyar, why do things go per automatiken when ever the name Olara Otunu comes up?

Some thing personal?

Den torsdag, 6 november 2014 19:32 skrev gaumoy nockrach-laduma <>:

That is why I am asking. Because Nyar seems not to know!

Den torsdag, 6 november 2014 19:30 skrev Gwokto La'Kitgum <>:

Kole District is in Lango, idots. You all are becoming pseudo know-it-alls like Mulindwa.
Grow up and do some elementary research to know your country better.

Gwokto La'Kitgum
"Even a small dog can piss on a tall Building", Jim Hightower

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 1:24 PM, 'gaumoy nockrach-laduma' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <> wrote:
Nyar, where is this district?

Den torsdag, 6 november 2014 19:05 skrev eun Nyaronyango <>:

Some of you will remember my writings here and that of the likes of Ocaya who wanted everybody to believe that Olara Otunu was being rejected by virtue of the fact that he is an Acholi.  This is the first, second or third time Otunu's own tribesmen are abandoning him for M7 - the first one was during the campaigns of 2010-2011, then the election time itself..... never mind that even Olara Otunu himself abandoned them at the alter!

Early this year, I warned that not a single opposition leader is worth a salt as far as the peasants are concerned. They don't give a damn about what you say or how much money you give them so long as your only problem is a problem between you and M7 or if you only changed because you now have a problem with M7.

We are wasting time going for elections with all or any of the current opposition leaders still hanging on like lice in the hair....

Now watch and see the insults coming in..!


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Eunice Onyango

Rembo of Sweden

Date: Thu, 6 Nov 2014 15:33:19 +0000
Subject: Re: {UAH} UPC leaders from Acholi abandon Otunnu, endorse Museveni for life presidency-I told you so

Lango or Acholi, guess headlines on UAH akin to sensational journalism since Otunu is Acholi

On Thursday, 6 November 2014, 15:22, 'chaka Jay' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community <> wrote:

read below from monitor


UPC leaders abandon Otunnu, endorse Museveni for life presidency

A section of supporters and leaders of the Uganda People's Congress in Kole District, have abandoned their party leader, Dr Olara Otunnu and endorsed Mr Yoweri Museveni for 2016 general elections.
They endorsed president Museveni for life presidency, claiming that Dr Otunnu lacks the required capacity and vision to carry the mantle for the people of Uganda.
This was during a consultative meeting organised by the Ambassador to Washington DC, Mr Dickson Ogwang Okul at Baramindyang in Ayer Sub-county on Tuesday.
"We are not going to base our support on partisan politics, we want leaders who can lead the people of Uganda and this time around, we don't see any one, apart from Mr Museveni. He should rule until he dies," said Aboke Sub-county LCIII Chairperson, Mr Boniface Odyek.
Mr Odyek, contested on the UPC ticket in 2011 general election which saw him get a landslide win as LC 3 chairperson.
Ayer Sub-county LC3 chairperson, Mr Patrick Otim, said they have lost trust in Dr Otunnu, because he brought shame in the last elections when he boycotted the elections.
"In 2011, we voted for him but he (Dr Otunnu) did not even vote for himself," Mr Otim, who is also the chairperson of all the six chairpersons in Kole district said.
"Does it really make sense to vote for a candidate who himself is not ready to vote? I don't want such a situation to repeat itself. We want to vote for people who have the vision, people who are ready to carry the mantle for the people of Uganda,"Mr Otim further said.
Mr Adaraman Olot, a member of Kole UPC district executive, said Mr Museveni has already planned ahead for the country, and bringing in a new leader would sabotage the dreams for the country.
UPC youth leader for Akalo Sub-county, Mr Sam Orec, said come 2016, there is going to be a big change "As people of Kole, we want to see NRM representation from LC1 to Parliament, "We want to vote someone who can directly take our views to the head of state."
Currently, Kole has two Members of Parliament who are on UPC ticket including District Woman Ms Ruth Acan and directly elected, Mr Fred Ebil Ebil. The district chairman Mr Peter Ocen is also a UPC member. In 2011 general elections, Mr Museveni managed to fetch 62.8 percent votes in Kole district.

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