UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.



Even though I knew it before that it takes courage to say or do certain things in order to bring out people's inner feelings and emotion, I did not know that it can go this deep, exposing the worst in one's character. Since the beginning of the series, I have wondered how Amin survived for 8 years as president surrounded by so much hate generated by people one thought knew better. What is so much disappointing  is that the very people who are blaming Amin even up to his grave are the very ones who were responsible for the suffering of Ugandans for 8 years: " Acholis and Langi". What is disappointing if not annoying is that while they are calling upon those who served under Amin  to apologize for the crimes they allege he committed, they are not willing to admit their greater role within those crimes.

It is unfortunate that for the last 35 years, since Amin's departure and subsequently, his death, we have superficially discussed Uganda's political crisis because of one reason, "Acholi and Langi refusing to admit their role in the killing and death of so many Ugandans before, during and after Amin's departure. For them the war they planned and launched from Tanzania in 1978 after the Moshi conference leading to the death of thousands of Ugandans,  and leaving the entire West Nile into exile in the Sudan and Congo do not count. The massacre of Ombachi, the rape of women and looting of properties both in West Nile and Buganda do not count because they were not carried out by Amin's people the "Nubians" for whom Amin wanted to create an "Empire", to quote our esteemed Reverend Joseph Kamugisha who has all of a sudden become the most knowledgeable and qualified historian and preacher of good morals Uganda has even had since it became independent in 1962.

No wonder these days, when you go to church on Sundays, you think you are visiting a retirement home, everyone attending church is old because the young people no longer feel attached to church when they hear a Reverend preach so much hate and using words even the devil try to avoid. They are alarmed and do not want to associate themselves with such messiahs. They would rather go to a night club than listening to a man who calls himself God's messenger spread such venom. No wonder Jonani Luwum is considered a hero because he had access to guns that he was gladly planning to distribute to kill the very people he called his flock. Calling that a crime one automatically becomes an enemy of the people because one is not supposed to say anything negative about Acholi because they are holy people, chosen by God to lead Uganda for life.

I want to remind Ugandans that the year 1971 exposed one fact that the rest of us did not know, Acholi and Langi were planning to rule Uganda for life without giving other tribes of Uganda a chance  to lead the country too because in their minds the rest of Ugandans are  primitive and have no leadership qualities. That attitude  is constantly being exhibited by the fact that Acholi have never stopped fighting in Uganda since January 1971. What has prevented them from attaining this goal? It is because for a change they have met their match, a fellow killer, his excellency Yoweri Museveni has since coming to power in 1986,  outsmarted and  successfully established his Cwezi Empire something Acholi failed to achieve during Obote I, Obote II and Okello and Okello reigns. Seeing no hope in booting Museveni out, they have joined him to continue wreaking havoc on Ugandans. This again, shows the other side of Acholi most of us have been missing "Double Dealers" Blaming Museveni during the day to confuse people, but dining with him during the night.



Stay in the forum for Series thirteen is on the way   ------>



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko

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