{UAH} Luganda-English Interpreter needed urgently in Portland, Maine
Begin forwarded message:
From: Timothy Gaburungyi <unaa@memberclicks-mail.net>
Date: November 21, 2014 at 2:51:20 PM EST
To: brian.kwesiga@yahoo.com
Subject: UNAALIST Luganda-English Interpreter needed urgently in Portland, Maine
Reply-To: unaalist@unaa.memberclicks.net
The contact below is trying to find a native speaker, fluent in Luganda as well as English to serve as an Interpreter for an Independent Medical Exam (IME) in a doctor's office in Portland, Maine on Monday, November 24, 2014 at 6:00AM. Any potential Interpreter should please contact Genevieve at 973-449-5514 or Mabel at 862-235-2131 or by email at info@africanlanguageconsultants.com for more details.
African Language Consultants LLC is a Premier, BBB accredited Language services provider dedicated to providing solutions to overcome language barriers and create effective communication between limited English-Speaking Africans and Service Providers. We recognize the frustrations that Service Provider in the US go through in their efforts to provide services to Limited English Speakers (LES), and we are committed to help bridge the communication gap by providing Service Providers access to professionally qualified and language skilled African linguists of both commonly spoken and rare African languages and dialects.
We seek to make a difference by helping to ensure that LES Africans have equal access to needed services and ease the challenges of life in the Diaspora, posed by communication barriers.
Recognizing that there are very few professional African language interpreters already in the system, African Language Consultants LLC actively seeks out and recruits well educated Africans who are fluent in their native African languages as well as in English. ALC trains them and provides them with materials and other resources to help them perform professionally as Interpreters. and Translators.
Several of the languages Services Agencies, Schools, Hospitals, Courts and other Providers in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and across the United States regularly use the services of African Language Consultants LLC to fill their African language assignments.
ALC has a network of qualified professional translators around the globe, providing quality translation of documents from and into African languages.
I welcome you to African Language Consultants LLC where we 'Serve as the Crucial Link and Make a Difference!
Genevieve Anna Peprah, CEO
African Language Consultants LLC
Acholi to Zulu.
58 Richelieu Ter.
Newark NJ 07106
973-449-5514 (work/cell)
862-235-2131 (office)
973-4230-7939 (fax)
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6257 N McCormick Rd #118 Chicago, Il 60659
Email: info@unaa.org
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