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{UAH} Another photo of Benedicto Kiwanuka with his family

Another photo of Benedicto Kiwanuka with his family

2.'The Central Province Governor and officer in charge of discipline of the Cranes and all sportsmen and women in Central Province, Captain Nasur Abdul Abdallah, middle, addresses sportsmen and women at Nakivubo Stadium. Captain Muhammad Seruwagi, Chief Sports Officer with the Uganda Army and the NCS general secretary, Mar in Okoth are on the governor's left and right respectively, while Lt Col Pangalasio Onek is seated behind Capt Seruwagi.'

Uganda Argus Februari 15th 1975

3.'The great cathedral drums, Mengo. Natives say these drums can be heard at a distance of 15 miles'

4.On this day (11 December 1917) the British conquered Jerusalem as part of World War One. It was the first time it had been under non-Muslim control since the Crusades.

Nationality is the main reason for this calamity. muslims should always hold Islam in front of their national identity.General Allenby made reference to the crusades as he entered Jerusalem. The French general Giroud did the same in Damascus and kicked the grave of Salahuddin. They never forgot history and their hatred of Islam never ended.

5.Tawaf around the Ka'bah in a unique way in 1941.

Translation of the caption: A rare photograph of the Haram taken in the year 1941. The level of rain reaches to the black stone and tawaaf around the Ka`bah... is by swimming.

Patriot in Kampala,East Africa
:UMBS is a registered organization devoted to matters of interest to Muslims in Uganda.Muslims from other countries are welcome to join us too. Follow us on Twitter at:!/UMBSFORUM. To donate to UMBS activities, click on: or just deposit money on UMBS Bank A/C at Bank of Africa:07074320002 .

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