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{UAH} George Okello, WBK: Lira Soroti Road!

George and WBK,

Thanks for your comments and I am glad that your kids went home for Christmas. I was pleasantly surprised at  how well te Chinese contractors did the Soroti-Lira road. I happened to also use it at night, the markings are user-friendly but the speed control humps are too many especially for those driving at night.

WBK, you are right, the pedestrian lanes are there but bicycle lanes not good enough, yet you know that Lango is the bicycle capital of East Africa!

George, if your family members are using their own or rented cars, advise them to use the Kampala-Kigumba-Lira road (340 kilometres), instead of the Kampala-Jinja-Pallisa-Mbale-Soroti-Lira (which is 470 kilometres).

The Mbale-Soroti road section is almost complete, about 2 kilometres to Soroti town remaining to finis but the road is good but a bit uneven. This section is done by a Ugandan-Indian company called Dott  verdict is that they are not that good.

Perhaps authorities should blacklist such companies.  I am one of those who like what the Chinese company has done-same Chinese group doing the Kiryandongo-Kamdini section and the Gulu-Kamdini section and also did the Gulu-Atiak-Bibia road.

It is our money and we must demand only da best work.


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