Experiences of Women War-Torture Survivors in Uganda: Implications for Health and Human Rights
"…………………The research went on to conclude that the war was a planned military strategy that
caused destruction of the economic, social and cultural capital of the Baganda ethnic
group. Obote‟s soldiers targeted practices, rituals and customs that embody cultural
values. They caused sexual dishonour of Baganda women through sexual violence,
abductions, rape, forced marriage and sexual slavery and sexual dishonour of men and
women through forced incest. These war crimes can be understood as an attempted
genocide (Liebling, 2005).
The Health Consequences for Women War-Torture Survivors
The vast array of health effects that resulted from women‟s war experiences was
overwhelming. The previous study by Isis-WICCE found „the most vulnerable and
greatest casualties of the war were women and children‟ (Isis-WICCE, 1998). Of the 209
women seen 55% had gynaecological problems as a result of rape and sexual violence
experienced during the war. These included fibroids, cancers, vesico vaginal fistulae,
sexually transmitted diseases, infertility, prolapses, menstrual disorders, miscarriages,
and perineal tears. Of 48 women screened for psychological and physical difficulties,
41.7% experienced chronic pelvic pains and 35.4% disclosed they were raped during the
war. However this figure is likely to be much higher and Rosalind Lubanga in an earlier
study in Luwero found out of 92 respondents 88% reported knowing someone who had
been sexually abused and she estimated from focus groups held with women war
survivors that between 50-70% could have been sexually assaulted during the war
(Lubanga, 1998). Of these 48 women 81.3% suffered with musculo-skeletal aches and
pains and 62.5% experienced chronic headaches. This paper highlights the reproductive
and gynaecological effects on women by illustrating these particular sections of two
narratives. It is important to note that their stories are a similar reflection of the
experiences of other women war-torture survivors interviewed in Luwero.
Jackie was a 34-year-old woman from Kasana Parish. She grew up in Luwero
with her paternal aunt, as her mother left home when she was young. She received little
education, as she was withdrawn from school by her father. The war started when she
was 17 years old before she had completed primary education. She described what
happened during the war:
When we ran we lost all our property. After they told us that our father had been
killed we continued running to Kiboga and Mummy almost died too. Daddy was
shot dead and Mummy survived and is still alive today. When we returned, we
found two people had been killed from our house and the skulls were still there.
The iron sheets had been removed and taken to their detach.
She went on to say:
When we came back we found soldiers had taken some girls and as they tried to
run they came by our house. As the soldiers chased them they saw me and three
of them raped me twice in succession.
Jackie became pregnant and later lost the baby. She said:
I was greatly affected and I was taken care of using local traditional medicine. I
healed well but they had left me pregnant and I contracted syphilis...I feel a lot of
pain and a sore developed which hurts a lot and I itch around the private parts,
which smell. I produced the baby and named her Samanya Agnes, „I did not know
Agnes‟, but she died at two years from diarrhoea and body swelling. Jackie lost her father, several family members and friends during the war. She
later married and had four children. Her husband beat her, refused to give her money for
food or to educate the children. As Christine Obbo (1989) has also argued in the context
of Uganda, Jackie‟s experiences caused destruction to her identity and loss of her role as
a maintainer of social boundaries. However, she was able to take control of her life,
leave this abusive relationship, obtain economic independence and establish a life for
herself and her children. She had never taken legal action for what she experienced but
she hoped to buy a piece of land of her own in order to settle.
The role of traditional beliefs is very important in Uganda and like Jackie; several
women relied on traditional medicines for their difficulties and used traditional birth
attendants to deliver. Within Baganda culture there is an expectation that women will
continue to produce children but due to devastating effects on their reproductive health
this is problematic. The damage to women‟s identities is immense within this cultural
context (Obbo, 1989).
Harriet was 40 years old and from Wakayamba. She had five children, grew up in
Luwero and attended school until Senior 1. However, she became ill, which affected her
schooling. She grew up with her grandma and described a happy childhood. Harriet got
married in 1975 and when the war started she had two children and was pregnant with
another child. Her husband was chosen for her.
Three of Obote‟s soldiers raped Harriet during the war.
I was raped the first time when I was coming from Kampala. I had no identity
card so they took me in to a small house in Bombo and three soldiers had turns
with me.
Harriet went on to describe how badly her experiences had affected her and she
developed abdominal pain. She was later raped again. This time she had just given birth
and had to go looking for food in an area infested with soldiers. Harriet left her baby with
her mother and whilst looking for food two Obote soldiers raped her again. Harriet
described her problems:
Ever since then, my tubes hurt a lot and when I went to the hospital they said my
fallopian tubes had become „shocked‟. It actually took four years to produce
another child after that one. But during the delivery the uterus came out too but it
was put back. However, when I got pregnant again the uterus had to be removed
Although Harriet had seen several doctors she still felt a lot of pain when she was
having her period. Whenever she had sexual intercourse she suffered extreme internal
pain and had also been infected with syphilis. Harriet explained that ever since the war
she had lost the desire for sex. Hence, similarly to Jackie, her identity as a woman had
been badly affected (see Obbo, 1989). Harriet was the leader of Twekembe women's group and had taken legal action
for her war experiences although this had been unsuccessful. She felt local women had
become more empowered since the war ended and had entered leadership roles in
government. Despite her difficulties Harriet became a local woman political leader within
her community and assisted many other women. In these ways she reconstructed an
alternative identity. She was able to reflect on the influential roles women had taken in
Government since the war had ended.
Several other women interviewed had experienced similar effects and research
analysis concluded that genital mutilation and rape caused considerable damage to
women‟s reproductive organs (see Liebling, 2003; 2004a; 2004b, 2005). Women were
infected with sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS and the effects of their
experiences resulted in chronic abdominal pain. The physical, psychological and social
aspects of their experience of pain were closely enmeshed and directly impacted on their
identities. As Gillian Bendelow (2000: 23) argues:
In order to develop a more sophisticated model of pain, which locates individuals
within their social and cultural contexts, a more sociological analysis is needed,
not to replace the role of medicine or psychology, but to enhance our overall
understanding of the complex phenomena of pain.
Priel, Rabinowitz & Pels (1991) put forward the view that people suffering pain
need to find meaning for their symptoms as without it, despair and isolation may develop.
Through the process of narrating their experiences during focus groups, women in the
current study were able to give some meaning to their pain.
The Isis-WICCE intervention projects, as well as funding for the Ph.D. research
and fund-raising by the Older Feminist Network South Wales, enabled time-limited
specialist medical treatment for these women war survivors, as well as the establishment
of an income-generating scheme. In March-April 2005 a small research grant obtained
from Coventry University enabled further focus groups to be held with the same women
and men, as well as follow-up interviews with key informants. The aims of this study
were to evaluate the effectiveness of the income-generating scheme initiated and medical
interventions previously held. These interventions have contributed positively to the
further collective empowerment of women war-torture survivors in Luwero. This in turn
has enabled women to make greater use of local health services. However, the women‟s
need for specialist and sustained reproductive and gynaecological health care remains an
urgent priority (AGOU, 1999; Liebling, 2005). Women war survivors interviewed in
Luwero felt a holistic approach to their reproductive health needs would be of benefit.
They expressed the wish for a specialist reproductive health intervention service
including gynaecologists employed by Luwero District as well as global changes in
health policy to provide gender-sensitive services for all women affected by war. Women
interviewed felt their views should be included at all levels in the future planning and
delivery of services. Women also expressed the view that sharing their painful
experiences through the current research had enabled recognition and an end to the
silencing of their urgent health difficulties and therefore improved access to appropriate
treatment. Women also felt that increased access to income-generating schemes would
further assist their ability to access appropriate healthcare……."
On the 49th Parallel
Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"
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