{UAH} Still struggling to be and feel Ugandan
Another year comes to a resounding end in this great Talking Shop of ours! I will start off with a confession! Over the years, I have made myself some great friendships and even managed to snatch myself a UAH baby or two! I have even made money and made my bones into mediocre pensmanship, cynic and satirist! I have learned to love the Banyarwanda, tolerate the Badugudu and best of all to find my Afrikan voice! Thank you UAH!
What is not easy coming is me finding an inkling of passion, love, affection or kinship with my Ugandanness! The best proponents of Republic including George Okello, Moses Ocen Nekyon, Yoga Adhola, Edward Mulindwa, Edward Kayondo, WB Kikjomanyi and Elder Ocaya p'Ocure have at best left me bewildered, and at worst confused and suspicious on whether what they are passionate about is Uganda or the power that comes with being in charge!
For most times I have felt like a lone voice in the wilderness trying to awaken the Afrikan in each of us, only to get exasperated by the next sway of emotions sparked off by tribal and petty political bickering which usually boils down to personal attacks and little else to agree on either for Uganda, Buganda, the North, the East or Western blocs.
That is Until Marge Katono, Rehema Uganda, Mega Katonda Afirika and Edward Mulindwa throw in the rare article to remind us of our plight as Africans and duty to the one true motherland.
I almost went back to law school to find ways of challenging the hoax and fallacy that Uganda is, which is nothing short of a much expanded Buganda with al the best schools, social infrastructure, medical facilities concentrated only among the Baganda! I did also consider revisiting the ownership of land in Afrika where the politic class, ruling dynasties, religious hegemonies disenfranchising the true indigenes for whom Native Title would guarantee automatic ownership!
I have scoured over numerous documents pertaining to the formation and establishment of Uganda, thanks to Lance Corporal Otto to arrive to the simple conclusion that Uganda is a Corporation and like many other pretend-Afrikan states has a permanent board o directors and shareholders who keep buying into and relinquishing shares as the political leadership is juggled around like pawns on a Chess Board!
Our leaders are middlemen, brokers, agents and proxies of the shadowy owners who even as and when they start off with good intentions end up pressured into playing along or suffer the consequences of their predecessors like Nkrumah, Lumumba, Sankarah, Samora, Habyarimana, Mobutu, Gaddafi, an endless list of leaders that have been propped up and brought down by the Same old Enemy of Afrika!
Let the new year therefore be dedicated to refocusing on who and what we exactly are! Who and what defines us? What is important to us a people? If our unique ethnic make up have been employed by our detractors to divide us, then perhaps it's time for us to consider our skin colour as Blackman and woman as our badge of honour and brotherhood! We can't keep shying away and feeling ashamed of our skin colour because it's what's used against us to sit by as Kenyan, Mozambican Somali as Afrika gets aimed for a song by Turkmen, Chinamen, Madia, Cowboys and Pirates!
Much love and affection from my village to all yours!!
With regards from
Afrika Counsel of Elders &
Afrika Great Exodus
UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans. Individuals are responsible for whatever they post on this forum.To unsubscribe from this group, send email to: ugandans-at-heart+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com or Abbey Semuwemba at: abbeysemuwemba@gmail.com.
What is not easy coming is me finding an inkling of passion, love, affection or kinship with my Ugandanness! The best proponents of Republic including George Okello, Moses Ocen Nekyon, Yoga Adhola, Edward Mulindwa, Edward Kayondo, WB Kikjomanyi and Elder Ocaya p'Ocure have at best left me bewildered, and at worst confused and suspicious on whether what they are passionate about is Uganda or the power that comes with being in charge!
For most times I have felt like a lone voice in the wilderness trying to awaken the Afrikan in each of us, only to get exasperated by the next sway of emotions sparked off by tribal and petty political bickering which usually boils down to personal attacks and little else to agree on either for Uganda, Buganda, the North, the East or Western blocs.
That is Until Marge Katono, Rehema Uganda, Mega Katonda Afirika and Edward Mulindwa throw in the rare article to remind us of our plight as Africans and duty to the one true motherland.
I almost went back to law school to find ways of challenging the hoax and fallacy that Uganda is, which is nothing short of a much expanded Buganda with al the best schools, social infrastructure, medical facilities concentrated only among the Baganda! I did also consider revisiting the ownership of land in Afrika where the politic class, ruling dynasties, religious hegemonies disenfranchising the true indigenes for whom Native Title would guarantee automatic ownership!
I have scoured over numerous documents pertaining to the formation and establishment of Uganda, thanks to Lance Corporal Otto to arrive to the simple conclusion that Uganda is a Corporation and like many other pretend-Afrikan states has a permanent board o directors and shareholders who keep buying into and relinquishing shares as the political leadership is juggled around like pawns on a Chess Board!
Our leaders are middlemen, brokers, agents and proxies of the shadowy owners who even as and when they start off with good intentions end up pressured into playing along or suffer the consequences of their predecessors like Nkrumah, Lumumba, Sankarah, Samora, Habyarimana, Mobutu, Gaddafi, an endless list of leaders that have been propped up and brought down by the Same old Enemy of Afrika!
Let the new year therefore be dedicated to refocusing on who and what we exactly are! Who and what defines us? What is important to us a people? If our unique ethnic make up have been employed by our detractors to divide us, then perhaps it's time for us to consider our skin colour as Blackman and woman as our badge of honour and brotherhood! We can't keep shying away and feeling ashamed of our skin colour because it's what's used against us to sit by as Kenyan, Mozambican Somali as Afrika gets aimed for a song by Turkmen, Chinamen, Madia, Cowboys and Pirates!
Much love and affection from my village to all yours!!
With regards from
Afrika Counsel of Elders &
Afrika Great Exodus
UAH forum is devoted to matters of interest to Ugandans. Individuals are responsible for whatever they post on this forum.To unsubscribe from this group, send email to: ugandans-at-heart+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com or Abbey Semuwemba at: abbeysemuwemba@gmail.com.
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