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{UAH} Folks, This Is an interesting dscussion from Facebook!

Dear friend! Congratulations! You have jst won a chance of asking me anything, and I mean anything, just 1 question that you've always wanted to ask me before the year ends.. I promise to answer it honestly. Inbox it to me before the end of 2014.

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  • Kilama David Je suis suis desole detre en retard as one should have asked you in 2014. I had always wanted to ask you this question: During the insurgency in Acholi land where you were in position of leadership in the army in the region. There was no way the outside world would learn of how the NRA was mistreating people there rather than through the catholic installations which had some Radio Call communication. Cest toujours la meme histoire, we were told you Mande Samson personally trudged from one Catholic institution to the next with one single aim of deraciner the communication gadgets from the hands of these nuns & priests to deny them the slim chances of exposing the atrocity against the innocent people. 1, was this true? 2, why did you go all that length?
    18 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
  • Mande Samson Cleared of what Malcom Matsiko ? To my understanding which is also public knowledge is that the false charges of treason , Terrorism and Embezzlement are still in force not yet drop. One of the things I want to come back to Uganda for is to go to court and clear my name. I am not asking for forgiveness , I have a good case , I am now very healthy and will stand trial and win. I will only be requesting the government to allow due course of justice. I helped Col Muzoora to flee from persecution and go into exile. We took different routes he went to RSA and I went to Sweden . What ever he did, whatever the deals and how he ended in Uganda I was completely not aware . ITS STILL A PUZZLE TO ME. I will not go to Uganda under cover of darkness or in deals behind doors because that can be very risky . I will come openly and go through the challenges .KB did that and survived .Why not me? Was he cleared before he went to Uganda? If you want to indulge or be taken up by wolokoso its up to you.
    18 hrs · Like · 3
  • Mande Samson Patrick K. Walugembe it would be good if we can stop being tribal in handling such questions. Its not only Baganda heroes that died in suspicious circumstances, I know you have heard about the late: Sam Magara, Fred Lubereza , Shaban Kashanku , John Bwiriza, John Mugabe , Emmy Kyamanywa RIP. They all died in suspicious circumstances . Suppose you rephrase your question to include all NRA great fighters that died from friendly fire it shall be more objective.
    18 hrs · Like · 4
  • Mande Samson Patrick K. Walugembe there were more Westerners that Baganda in senior ranks of NRA for a number of reasons 1. The UNLF/UNLA factor. Kikosi Maalumu the UPC military wing undere Tito Okelo/Oyite Ojok RIP, which was deployed in the central region (Masak-Kampala) deliberately refused to recruit from these areas. They preferred to wait until they reached the North and East. 2. FRONASA under M7 was deployed to advance through the western Uganda M7 had no problem recruiting many westerners into FRONASA and later into UNLA. So by 1980 there werent quite many baganda in the UNLA . 3. 1980 POWER STRUGGLE WAS TO DEPEND ON THE SHOW OF FORCE and because of the stiff political power between Dr Obote RIP and M7 westerners in the UNLA especially M7's tribe the Bahima were looked at as threats and mistreated, some officers were killed, other put in detention in Luzira. I survived narrowly. That pushed many officers from the west into the bush. Very few Baganda officeres joined the bush. We had to rain fresh civilians -peasant to become soldiers and officers or commanders later on. That should give you the main reason why there was imbalance in high ranking officers. Look a UFM ranks and tell me how many BAGANDA UNLA officers joined UFM ?
    17 hrs · Like · 5
  • Patrick K. Walugembe Col. Mande Samson, you may excuse me if at all, I sound tribal, however, that is contrary to the intention, I asked the question. My concern was for you to shed some light on what happened. Can we deny the fact that when your force captured power, nearly all top commanding officers where hailing from the same region??
    Can you name 10 - 15 top commanding officers coming from the central where the fiercest battles took place, because I can't ? Were they only good as foot soldiers?? Or simply supported combatants with cassava??

    Can deny the conspiracists, who claim there was a grand plan to eliminate most of them, as records show, that most of them died immediately before or after the capture of Kla.
    17 hrs · Like · 5
  • Mande Samson Charles W. G Mawanda It's a pity that we lost our people in the war some of them due to unavoidable crossfire between the fighting forces , some due to avoidable mistakes or war crimes. You well know that in war or in any army we have different units in different operations zones and doing different operations . In case of a war crime we should be able to pinpoint which area, which unit and what troops or individuals that committed the crime , bring them to justice and compensate the victims. Its never too late and that's why I advocate for the TRUTH, JUSTICE AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION when Uganda gets good governance.
    17 hrs · Like · 4
  • Mande Samson Patrick K. Walugembe names I can come up quickly with are: Commander : Sam Waswa Bali Kalege, Drago, Sula Semakula, Hebert Itongwa RIP , Kasiry Gwanga, Eric Mukasa, Katerega, Musajja Waza, George Gyagenda, Andrew Lutaaya , Ssonko Lutaaya RIP , Godfrey Bogere , Bisaso, Elly Kayanja, Eric Mukasa, Hudson Mukasa
    17 hrs · Like · 4
  • Mande Samson Patrick K. Walugembe it would be more correct to shed more light on what happened to all fighters regardless of their tribes.
  • Mande Samson I do not know of any conspiracies that were hatched to eliminate a tribe or Baganda in particular, I learnt of internal struggles for power that could have resulted into the unresolved deaths of fighters and these include both Baganda and westerners. Patrick K. Walugembe
  • Mohamed Sendege my personal word a col is different for power but is one who liberated uganda from me you called enemies/
    16 hrs · Like · 1
  • Mohamed Sendege amins pple
    16 hrs · Like · 1
  • Mohamed Sendege words will make statemates/but all in all uganda is our country
    16 hrs · Like · 1
  • Mujuni Arnold Mande im waiting for my answer with no references. Abakiiga tibatina bwisho. we call a spade a spade and i trust you are one of the kind. please give me your version.
    16 hrs · Like · 1
  • Mohamed Sendege a word of wisdom major general Taban amin never mentioned me in his peace treaty with nrm government same to general moses ali UNRF//HOPE WE MEET and talk
    16 hrs · Like · 1
  • Mohamed Sendege col answer them i know you can without you no NRM
    16 hrs · Like · 1
  • Mohamed Sendege bad word tupange uganda needs us
    16 hrs · Like · 1
  • Mande Samson Il ne est jamais trop tard. Permettez-moi de répondre à votre question Kilama David. Thats a false story , its the first time I here about this and I dont know why now and what is the motive of the falsehood. The war in the North took a long period , the North was a very large area with different units in different operational xones and thousands of soldiers. Perhaps it was another Mande who did that!! Give us some simple details to substantiate the claim e.g which year such a thing took place and which catholic churches or parishes.
    16 hrs · Like · 2
  • Mande Samson Mujuni Arnold what purpose will my answer serve ? What will it help you?
    16 hrs · Like · 1
  • Patrick K. Walugembe Col. Mande Samson thank you for your elaborative explanations. However, u have simply mystifies the matter further, especially when you cited UNLA, FRONASA and M7's supposedly power struggle With Dr. Obote , and in the way you kind of provide a "new narrative" from what we have been fed the last 29 years.
    For starters, what is connection between UNLA's failure to recruit in the central , and NRA's western officer dominance ?Could you please shed more light on this, was UNLA recruiting for NRA?

    You talk about Museveni's seemingly great support from the west, and his ability to recruit from the west, which too does not tally very well with history. We know very well that Dr. Obote had more support from Western Uganda in areas like Bushenyi than Mr. Museveni did, we can cross check this with 1980 general elections. Records show that Mr. Museveni performed decimally in those areas. On the other hand, the welcome and celebration extended to Dr. Obote and famous compositions such as "Nyamulunga", shows which of the two was the "bull" down there.

    Hence it would have tantamount to suicide had Mr. Museveni begun a guerrilla war in western Uganda.
    He therefore chose Buganda where he was assured of support given that: (1) the Baganda detested Dr. Obote for what had happened from 1966; (2) the Banyarwanda who again from the events that begun in the late 1960s, followed by the 1982 events, found themselves with little alternatives than to join the rebellion.
    His greatest support was in the central, it is also where most causalities and properties were destroyed. It is the back of these people, on which the war was fought. It is also not true that UNLA had more Baganda than NRA as you state. Moreover, given the events following the 1980 elections, Mr. Museveni was no match to Dr. Obote politically or militarily to create what you refer to as "power struggle", the UNLA was a far superior force to FRONASA and UPC was again superior politically to UPM. The issues I mention above, uplifted Mr. Museveni. Not FRONASA or his massive support from the west.

    Moreover, your FRONASA argument also puts a hole in the official war narrative ,in which we are told that the war begun with only 27 recruits. It was the causes he advanced that gave him support.
  • Patrick K. Walugembe And thank you once again for naming these officers, could you please tell us which battalions they commanded, and which major assignments they undertook?,
  • Malcom Matsiko Going to kangaroo courts seeking for justice under Museveni's regime really Col. Mande Samson? Under Museveni its public knowledge the miscarriage of justice is worse than ever before in our land in the history of Uganda. KB's story is different in a way. He had effectively retired prior the legal hurdles and prosecution and for him being detained or tried in a military court didn't make any sense even to Museveni's men and women in military circles and indeed it didn't work. He had to finally win because his was no more an army case, I don't know whether its the same case with yours col Mande Samson? Museveni has failed up to now to appoint a substantative chief justice and deputy chief justice. Doesn't that concern and worry you in anyway col. Mande Samson? About indulgence in Wokoloso allegations , these questions are simply seeking clarifications and even if I didn't ask them myself some other Ugandan would have done so anyways! Hope you wont victimise and try some of us in future for asking questions the way Muhoozi did after visiting Somalia and at the end of that military tour a one captain Asimwe and his overall contigent commander Brigadier Ondoga were recalled and their address is Makindye military prison for years now? Infact jailed on fake charges of asking a question that involved promotional issues in UPDF and stealing of food for soldiers as for the jailed Brig??
    13 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
  • Robert Byambwera What has de winner taken??tired ov propaganda
    14 hrs · Like · 1
  • Mande Samson Malcom Matsiko Be informed that I too successful resigned from the UPDF in 2001. KB retirement didn't save him being subjected to those kangaroo courts and he has succeeded in wining cases in the kangaroo courts. That inspires me that I shall also win after all I have a good case and I have been consulting very good lawyer her and in Uganda. Leave that to me I will handle , I have fought and won many battles up to now, I feel like that's another one I should fight and win. About the chief justice am as concerned as the rest in Uganda . Remember you are dealing with a person who is tasted in administration of thousands of men and women of different ages and abilities , in peaceful and war situations , I have handled millions of questions and never victimized any body or mistreated anybody. You wont be the first. There was no reason for you to compare me with such Keinerugaba way of doing things. Secondly, I dont' intend to serve in government or the army any longer where will I meet youn to victimize you?
    14 hrs · Like · 3
  • Mande Samson Robert Byambwera it was not a competition . everyone won something
    13 hrs · Like · 3
  • Martyn Cain Martdor @ mande samson,ngu bakarobwa bagira obwengye,
    13 hrs · Like · 1
  • Muhiire Nathan im sorry to come in late. Ndugu what are u still doing in exile? we want u here in your motherland. Mande be serious! if u must die or be killed for whatever reason die here.
  • Hellenah Olga Namutamba Wen are u coming back home
    13 hrs · Like · 1
  • Malcom Matsiko Welcome back to motherland Retired Col Mande Samson, those serious about change in Uganda must come and do it here not anywhere else, to use KB's words . The battle ground of ideas, ballot or even bullets if needs be is Ugandan soil. Karibu ata nasisi tupo njiyani Afande. I thank you and wish you well going forward.
    12 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
  • Maryfrancis Kabateraine When are you coming back home
    12 hrs · Like · 1
  • Mande Samson Patrick K. Walugembe 1. refusal of Kikosi Maluum to recruit in the central region during the war denied the many baganda the parity or seniority in the UNLA . FRONASA recruits who were recruited earlier became an intake ahead. 2. UNLA molested wananchi and caused resentment of UPC government and that increased the baganda's resolve to join the bush against UPC. 3. You are confusing the liberation campaign (1978-1979) and elections campaign (1980) . FRONASA recruited combatants in during the war and had no problem in recruiting thousands. It was different during the elections . UPC and DP had an upper hand than M7's new UPM .4. Where it was true the Baganda had more reason to support the war, the central offered the best ground of strategic importance , given its proximity to the capital, terrain , vegetation and the economic importance it occupies. 5. I didn't state that UNLA had more Baganda than NRA. 5. The way you measure strength is debatable and leaves room for improvement . When it came to the battle field its not the number of votes UPC, DP or UPM had that did matter. Otherwise DP forces (UFM) would have been best placed to win the 1981-1986. 6. Dont misunderstand me on the issue of numbers . I mean in UNLA FRONASA there were more westerners than Baganda and actually before militias were ferried in from the North FRONASA was dominating. Many were laid off and the others were scattered all over the country and under close watch. That made difficult for M7 to get all the numbers of trusted FRONASAs as he wanted and had from the army at once. He had to begin with 27 . But all in all the contest between M7 , Obote and group ended in 1986 and is the one who had superiority in political and military strategy and tactics.
  • Mande Samson Muhiire Nathan, Hellenah Olga Namutamba and Maryfrancis Kabateraine I am coming home this year. I am finalizing what am doing here then I come.. Stay tuned I will inform you in time
    12 hrs · Like · 5
Moses Ocen Nekyon

Democracy is two Wolves and a Lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed Lamb disputing the results.

Benjamin Franklin

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