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Wooing Northern Uganda
Museveni is in the headlines once AGAIN trying to further consolidate his new-found alliance with Northern Uganda. He ordered the Army to take over the repatriation from Sudan and reburial of the remains of former army Commander (UN:LA) Gen Bazilio Okello. He also personally presided over the memorial celebrations for late Bishop Janan Luwuum who was killed during the reign of Iddi Amin. He decreed that January 16th be public holiday in memory of the late archbishop before directing a statue of him to be erected in Kampala.

Delayed Recognition
It is now 30 years since Museveni came to power in 1986 after treacherously defeating the northern dominated army and government. Since coming to power northern Uganda rebelled against his rule giving rise to the over two decades insurgency. Both late Archbishop Janan Luwum and Gen Bazilio Olara Okello were northerners and Acholi in particular. Museveni has since time in memorial been trying to deceive the world that its his group FRONASA that fought and removed Iddi Amin from power. 30 years down the road, we are now hearing about the sacrifice and exceptional dedication by the two men (Luwum and Bazilio) who were not part of Museveni's FRONASA but were instead working with the then exiled former President Milton Obote. Museveni lied to the world during the memorial service when he said that at the time of the Archbishop's death, he was in Mozambique training young boys to fight Iddi Amin. The truth is that by 1977 activism by liberation movements had been banned in Tanzania. Anti-Amin efforts had faded tremendously and Museveni had resorted to teaching at the Moshi Cooperative college while his FRONASA squad was in disarray. 
Bazilio Okello in particular rose through the military hierarchy dates from pre-independent Uganda. He escaped from Uganda after Iddi Amin embarked on purging Acholis and Langis in the army because of their links with the dissidents based in Tanzania at the time. Bazilio being a CAREER military trainer, set up camp and trained anti-Amin group at Owiny Kibul in Southern Sudan. In 1972, the camp was closed down and Bazilio Okello led his over 1000 men to Tanzania via the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. Immediately he set foot in Tanzania, his men were to for the bigger number of Ugandan exiled to were involved in a 1972 foiled invasion against Iddi Amin. He endured hardships with his men in Tabora till 1978 when he assembled them into Kikosi Malum (KM) that fought alongside the Tanzania Army to take over Kampala in April 1979.

On the other hand, early honoring of Archbishop Janan Luwum would have highlighted the role of  spiritual leaders in fighting bad governance. In particular the part that was played by the Anglican Church and its traditional allies; the UPC in fighting Iddi Amin. Museveni has always urged religious leaders to keep away from politics and majority have turned a blind ear to the regime's excesses in return for handouts of CASH and posh cars. There is also the element of cover up of the untold part of late Archbishop's demise. Museveni has had to wait until the death of most of Iddi Amin's top henchmen who would have provided the other side of the story. Gen Idrisi Mustafa who was Amin's Vice President and the one who presided over the infamous press conference at Nile Mansions where the Archbishop was last publicly seen, died recently. A few years ago, the former Deputy head of State Research Mzee Yosa was detained and killed by the Museveni government in Luzira Prison.

Bazilio - Killer or Patriot??
As a brigade Commander in the UNLA, he was used by the DP and the Catholic Church to overthrow the UPC II government in July 1985. The coup weakened the UNLA thus rendering Museveni and his NRA to easily gain victory six months later. Bazilio fled to the Sudan from where he died in 1990. His family fled to exile as his private property was looted and vandalised by the Museveni government. For the last three decades Museveni has been telling Ugandans and the world how Bazilio Okello was a devil who killed thousands of Ugandans. The Baganda in particular were made to believe that its Bazilio Okello who killed thousands of their people. Every verse of the NRA patriotic (morale boosting) songs portrayed Bazilio Okello as a killer who deserved crushing to death. 

Following the recent State  reburial of former Police Chief Erinayo Oryem who died alongside Archbishop Luwum, the family of Late Bazilio Okello made arrangements to return and accord a descent burial to his remains. When Museveni got wind of the plan, he as usual opportunistically stole the show by ordering the army to takeover the reburial arrangements. The remains were flown in from Sudan and accorded a full honours military burial characterised by a 15 gun salute. The Army representative Lt. Gen Gutti described Gen Bazilio as a gallant officer thus:  "He was a courageous and devoted peace lover, who dedicated his life and military CAREER to the restoration of peace to Uganda by fighting dictatorial and colonial regimes" He went on to add that; "The UPDF commends his courageous personality. I call on the other officers to emulate him. His departure was a big loss to us." 

Need for another Bazilio Okello
With Museveni's totalitarianism reaching crisis proportions, its only another Bazilio Okello who can rescue the country. Lt. Gen Andrew Guti called on the army officers to emulate the late Gen Bazilio by among other of his attributes overthrowing a dictatorial government. Controversial Gen Ssejusa had earlier on advised the opposition to woo the army if they are to dislodge Museveni from power. However, Museveni's hold on being a product of ethnic, religious and political intrigue, he has mastered the art of handling such scenarios. Cardinal Nsubuga played a vital role in the UFM, NRA, and FEDEMO war against the UPC II government. The Catholic church and the DP used the Gen Bazilio Okello to overthrow the UPC II government. Fort Portal Catholic Diocese Sarapio Magambo BROKERED a deal between the NRA and UNLA's 31st Battalion for the later to surrender without a fight. Museveni incercerarated Brig Tadeo Kanyankole for allegedly allying with DP/Catholic church/Bairu in Ankole to undermine the NRA. Until his death NRA's Major Nyansio Bamwanga was a subject of close intelligence scrutiny because of his closeness to the Catholic Church establishment at Rubaga and in particular Cardinal Nsubuga. Army Officers who have gone through Catholic Seminaries more especially Kitabi Seminary in Bushenyi are treated exceptionally.

Museveni has severally warned political and religious leaders to keep off his army. Former Vice President Gilbert Bukenya was accused of luring Col Sula Semakula and other Baganda Officers and conniving with the catholic church. In Museveni's NRA, OPEN practice of any form of religious faith is not openly acceptable but the Born Again christian are accorded preferential treatment. Serving officers can not freely associate with their spiritual heads save for the Born Again where the likes of Gen Aronda, Gen Angina, Col Wakalo and others belong. Free association with political opposition and spiritual leaders as had been the case with Gen Bazilio Okello would have earned him charges of subversion under Museveni. Instead, former President Obote simply transferred him to the northern region of Gulu but still as a Brigade Commander. At the time, because of the strong entrenchment of the Catholic faith, the DP was deeply rooted in Gulu. From Gulu, Bazilio rolled his troops to Kampala while chanting DP slogans and overthrew Obote and his UPC government.

Yes, there may be a Bazilio is Gen. Ssejusa but where is his Brigade?????? The answer is simple; the Brigade is there but it is invisible because it has no Brigade Commander!!!!!


Viele GruBe

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