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{UAH} Fwd: Why are Uganda/African Institutions not functioning


The is now time to start studying and understanding why contemporary state institutions in Uganda as well as everywhere else in Africa have failed societies, states, and social structures. This is a major and serious issue and will be an answer to Timothy Kalyegira's long search for reasons to failure of the African person!

Here is a problem of experimentation. NRM like any other African political outfit thought there was a different approach to state governance and way to do things (service delivery).

I too spent a good amount of time studying this phenomenon until I discovered otherwise. For Uganda, things had gone terribly wrong starting with the useless tier system LC I -V. societies are societies and a modern state institutions can't be governed differently – it is a universal act we should appreciate. (participatory, grassroots, representative, parliamentary democracy)


Akim wrote


The Uganda we had in the past was more organized than what we have now, despite the threat and fear. What we have now is shambles, organised chaos and intimidation with fear as main menu.

On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 6:03 AM, Dan Bwanika <> wrote:
Hon. Kyambadde

What is the real district, town and local council problem, which is not URA, NSSF, KCCA, UPDF problem some of the organisation that work - is it managment style, work ethics, financing, corruption, laws, rules and regulation, information system flow management, politics, taxation regimes - what is it?

Why are state institutions in Uganda and Africa are not functioning in districts, Town and  Local councils - how can such an hierarchical structure be preempted by total dysfunctional -  isn't this the real problem: how can we get to grips with what is working and not working?

District Councils should be mandated to get all the funds they need to do their work and deliver services if state grants and taxes are not enough.

We have economist (Uganda call them planners) virtually in every district, who can make realistic budgets as per needs and wants of particular political entity, there are statisticians too that can make projections as per district real needs and population growth patterns etc. That data can then be aggregated into nation data.

Why are schools, medicare facilities generally all public facilities in districts , towns and Local councils in such deplorable conditions?

What is the real problem?

Every district has a planning and development economist plus a statistician
This implies every district can design a developmental budget which will cater for building and do regular government building maintenance of school, repair public medic facilities, roads, procure appliances, utilities and furniture for school , medicare facilities etc.

Health wise, there are virtually health facilities everywhere in this country - I will assume the conditions today are far more favourable than it were in the 1960 and 70s when this sector offered optimal and world class services.
what has gone wrong?

We have to grasp the problem before we can start attacking it practically and why are the institutions not working where we also have

a. Chief Administrative Officers
b. Town Clerks
C. School inspectors
d. District Health Visitors 
e. District resident Commissioners
f. Building inspection

Hon. Kyambadde , your government should grasp Uganda problems, which to me are very simple to solve.
For over the years modern organisations have developed an array of strategies to make organisation work: right from
a. Labour Laws,
b. Occupation and Environmental laws,
c. Work place Appraisals
d. Job Contracts
e. Refreshers courses
f.  Management Systems
g. Quality Control mechanism
h.Industrial regulations

There is no end to innovative measure that can be deployed to make corporate bodies and government agencies work.

Can we discuss this issue - I am ready to help as much as I can. If need be give us four or six  districts - and I will call on my professors and researchers to make a thorough study of these district's problems, dysfunctional structures and make you a report with solutions within three month.



Bwanika Nakyesawa Luwero


Bwanika Nakyesawa Luwero

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