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{UAH} Gen Ivan Koreta

Gen Ivan Koreta

One of Uganda’s finest and battle-hardened Generals, Ivan Koreta, remains undeployed two years after being removed from the position of Deputy Chief of Defence Forces.

A quiet but resilient soldier, Koreta was relieved of his duties shortly after Gen David Sejusa fled the country in April, 2013.

It was in that reshuffle that President Museveni removed CDF, Gen Aronda Nyakairima from office, replacing him with Gen Katumba Wamala.

Sejusa had earlier hinted on a plot to purge army officers thought to be opposed to the so-called ‘Muhoozi project’ which government dismissed as “alarmist” and “groundless.

It was hoped that Koreta would be appointed to a high profile position at Uganda’s foreign diplomatic missions after being replaced with Lt Gen Charles Angina.

This did not happen.

Since then, Koreta has been struggling to make ends meet given that he is not known to have accumulated wealth just like some of his colleagues who fought in the NRA war such as Generals Jim Muhwezi, Kahinda Otafiire, Henry Tumukunde, John Mugyenyi among others.

“Gen Koreta earns less than five million shillings per month as salary. He does not receive any allowance. It’s not easy taking care of a family’s needs in such a financial situation,” said a concerned source.

During his heydays, Gen Koreta would enjoy sumptuous meals at the exclusive Golf Club in Kololo and chill by playing golf.

Koreta was among the few NRA combatants trained in Mozambique guerrilla camps run by Frelimo that would eventually form the nucleus of President Museveni’s rebel outfit that fought its way to power from 1981 to 1986.

He participated in wars against Idi Amin and Milton Obote. He also served as Makindye General Court martial chairman for several years.

ChimpReports understands Koreta has attracted the sympathy of villagers in Nyakayojo and Mbarara as he is always seen idle. Some UPDF officers kept on ‘Katebe’ for long have always resorted to alcoholism.

Recently, Koreta was a go-between of Tony Rwamirama, the son of Minister Bright Rwamirama at the introduction ceremony held at the residence of Enock Kakurima of Nyakayojo, Mbarara Municipality.

According to eyewitnesses, Gen. Koreta spent over a week idle in his village as he prepared to attend different marriage ceremonies.

However, during the wedding of Rwamirama’s son, Koreta managed to have a brief chat with President Museveni who was the chief guest.

Army spokesperson Lt Col Paddy Ankunda was not readily available for comment.


*A positive mind is a courageous mind, without doubts and fears, using the experience and wisdom to give the best of him/herself.
 We must dare invent the future!
The only way of limiting the usurpation of power by
 individuals, the military or otherwise, is to put the people in charge  - Capt. Thomas. Sankara {RIP} ’1949-1987

*“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
revolution inevitable**…  *J.F Kennedy


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