UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.



Federalism is becoming a political fashion that all and sundry want to be identified with but it's more than mere fashion and the likes of Dr Kiyingi and  Prof Amir Otunnu must come out and spell clearly their federal credentials if any. This time, I will be following the Prof's pronouncement on radio however late. I will grill him on his connection with FADDU. Because like him, FADDU is not telling us whether it's a separatist movement or a federalist outfit. We who have decided to take federalism to the people will not tolerate posturing and trend followers. 


We are very delighted that this Sunday 15th February 2015, Professor Amii Omara-Otunnu, Chairman of Freedom and Unity Front (FUF),  will be joining us on the programme, to share his vision for our Motherland with fellow Ugandans and friends of Uganda. 

Please do join us, so that we can share and discuss matters that are fundamental to our country. You can also send us your questions for Professor Amii in advance by e-mail or text.

Time: 10 - 12.00pm Uganda

Time:  7.00 - 9.00pm [19.00 -21.00 GMT].  


Please note that the time stated is United Kingdom time. Please work out the right time for where you are in the world.


1. How to Tune into the Radio Station

If you have Internet- Go to:

Then click on the bars under "Listen Live. Now" situated above 'contact us'; also pointed to by a finger to the left hand side. You will be able to listen to the radio. 


2. Calling in to Listen-

If you have no internet access, please call the following numbers and you will be able to listen over the 'phone; 
48471880232 Or 

7124326876 Please note that you may need to enter country codes for these numbers. Please check what works for you.


3. Calling in to participate

If you would like to participate please call:


From: UK - 020-328-77019,


Sweden - 085-197-0858


US – 6105391740 AND 2153922180


and give your views. After you have finished you can hung up the 'phone.

Please note that when you are calling to participate from those countries they are considered local numbers, so you do not need to enter any country codes. Callers from other parts of the world may need to enter country codes. Please check and confirm what works for you.


If you are already listening to the radio via the internet as above and would like to participate, please lower the volume of your radio or go to another room and call; otherwise we will hear you on both the 'phone and the radio, and this will distort the information. When you have finished participating you can hung up the 'phone and then go back and listen to the radio.


Please remember to go to a quiet space when calling in as any slight noise gets picked up worldwide.


Please do not hesitate to contact me on 07878964585 if you would like to make any observations or if you need any further information.


Tolerance is a stage in civilisation!

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