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Akim Odong


Museveni was planning to murder Ugandans with Jonan Luwum, Iddi Amin saved us and when he left you came in but not only murdered us but you are today murdering  your fellow Acholi. I am glad that Museveni is still doing things that appease you for the man has been a very bad leader for me from get go to today,  yet you still drink wine celebrating his actions. But hey you are an Acholi a people that cerebrated when Obote two government was created.


But let me flip this argument as a non-degree holder, declaring a National Holiday is not an act of bribe nor Presidential decree, as in the case of Luwum, but an act of Parliament. Consider this: "At the White House Rose Garden on November 2 1983 President Ronald Reagan signed a bill proposed by Representative Katie Hall of Indiana creating a federal holiday to honor King." It was observed for the first time on January 20 1986. The Bill established the Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Which Bill did Museveni use to establish the Luwum Day today January 16, 2015?  I am surprised that my neighbor Dr Kipenji has fallen on knees to praise this idiocy as well. And you turn around to blame Amin for using decrees? I thought your entire war against Amin, where you murdered so many Ugandans you morrons was to establish a parliament with a voice that represents the people? What happened to that promise sir?


Enjoy Museveni democracy.



On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"


From: [] On Behalf Of akim odong
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2015 1:21 PM
To: 'kaliro45' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community


Museveni declares February 16 public holiday


President Museveni arrives at Mucwini, Kitgum, for the commemoration of the life and Ministry of the late Archbishop Janani Luwumu. Courtesy Photo 

By Monitor reporter

Posted  Monday, February 16  2015 at  16:52




President Museveni has today declared February 16 a public holiday in remembrance of the murder of Archbishop Janani Luwum in 1977.

Mr. Museveni made the declaration during the commemoration ceremony of the late archbishop Luwum at his home in Mucwini village, Kitgum District.

The celebrations kicked off with a memorial service that was led by three archbishops: Stanley Ntagali, John sentamu (Of York) John Baptist Odama of the Catholic Archdiocese who are also patrons of the St Janani Luwum memorial charity.

Janani Luwum became a Ugandan parish priest during 1956. He faithfully served in that position until 1969 when he was elected to serve the Northern portion of Uganda a Bishop and was consecrated at a function attended by Amin and prime minister APollo Milton Obote. In less than two years after becoming a bishop, the reign of terror perpetrated by Idi Amin began on January 25, 1971.

It was in 1974 that Janani Luwum was chosen Archbishop of Uganda and three years later on February 16th 1977, he was allegedly shot by Idi Amin in the mouth and chest.

Tolerance is a stage in civilisation!

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