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Buganda cannot survive in a federal Uganda

I have lived in a federal country for several years now and I have seen the advantages and disadvantages of federalism.

If Uganda changed into a federal state, all provinces should be aware of what resources they have - minerals, fixed assets, human resources and so on, and use them to the optimum.

When I look at Uganda, all her resources are spread out side Buganda. For example gold is in Karamoja, food is in western and eastern Uganda, rice is from northern Uganda, west and north have tourism. The Mountains of the Moon are in western Uganda. Northern Uganda has the most fertile land Uganda has. In universities in North America today, there are more northerners and westerners than Baganda students.

Buganda has no fertile land any more; that is why trucks have to bring matooke from west and east every day. We have a great deal of illiteracy in Buganda - that is lack of human resources.

Federalism is more than having a Kingdom, it is more than running your own affairs, it is to use the resources you have to the betterment of your province. I have a problem finding resources that can maintain Buganda.

Many Baganda want federo, and I fear that in NRM�s wishing to hold on to power, Federalism will be granted. As a Muganda I wonder if we can survive. Have those Baganda agreed with western Uganda that matooke will continue to flow to Kampala than Kigali for better returns? Are we sure that Gulu will continue to pump rice down south than sending it to Sudan where it can be paid for in dollars.

The Kampala market is a giant market, but it is based on urbanisation; if most people leave, do we even have the market or even the buying power to maintain those markets? Have we even considered the numerous buildings in Buganda urban centres that were built for renting that will be empty?

These questions must be answered before we change our nation from a unitary system. 
Show us the research on these and other matters before you kill Buganda.

Edward Mulindwa 

Tolerance is a stage in civilisation!

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