{UAH} NRM youth confesses to maliging Tumwebaze
How likely is this confession a genuine atonement, considering that the alleged victim is the one parading the accused?
Mr. Tumwebaze should have allowed this "frustrated" man space and time to make his confession outside of the minister's presence.
Otherwise, by towering next to the confessor, Tumwebaze gives off the impression that he wants this man to say specific things, in a specific way. That's called forced confession.
NRM youth confesses maligning Tumwebaze
Publish Date: Feb 04, 2015
Publish Date: Feb 04, 2015
Habib Mboowa and minister Frank Tumwebaze at Media Centre. PHOTO/Tonny Rujuta
By Alfred Wandera
A National Resistance Movement (NRM) youth activist has confessed that he was behind the malicious campaign against the Minister of Presidency and Kampala, Frank Tumwebaze.
Habib Mboowa flanked by Tumwebaze told journalists that he circulated malicious content against the minister that he had been relieved of his duties by the President after sh10b was found stashed on his personal bank account.
"I am making this statement to the press and to the public, first of all, to confirm that I am the one who has been sending all the negative messages against the person of Hon. Frank Tumwebaze using quite a number of social media platforms.
Most of these messages were offensive and aimed at tarnishing his name," said Mboowa in a written statement.
Mboowa said he later realized that he was being used to unfairly injure the reputation of Tumwebaze and cause psychological torture to his family and friends for no good reason.
"I made a personal decision out of my conviction to reach out (through friends) to Hon. Frank Tumwebaaze to first of all confess to him what I was doing and also to ask him to forgive me. I am very grateful to one of my friends that linked me to Hon. Tumwebaze," added Mboowa.
Mboowa said is a member of the 'NRM poor youth' group.
Tumwebaze said he was happy that the gang that was behind malicious information against him had been busted.
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