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{UAH} Uganda is risky and its reputation - its political burden

It is terrible Why indigenous companies mistrust their own market - government should start rectifying these abnormalities.

Founded in 1997, the Uganda Securities Exchange has in 18 years listed only seven local companies and cross-listed nine all from Kenya.
The growth, analysts say, has been sluggish considering that a number of firms have since established in Uganda with some suggesting they would go public.
But then, why have some companies, which at some point committed publicly, not listed, years after announcing?

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From: Dan Bwanika <>
Date: Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 4:07 AM

Just imagine that Museveni, Ssejusa and Besigye are discussing why hospital sink have hot water or specialised doctors are lacking in proficiency exertion in their profession and remedies thereof!

As a matter fact, Uganda is a risky country (diseased, institutional dysfunction, corruption, poverty, wars, political, economic and financial uncertainty etc) down grading its reputation;

Uganda unlike Kenya and Tanzania has a burden to carry, right or wrong, in the eyes of foreign interests including our immediate neighbours like; Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan and Sudan.

Any person, company, firm who are interested to establish or cooperate with Uganda or Ugandans are looking at fundamental prerequisites for their entrance.

When Gen. Ssejusa all of the sudden appeared in Uganda after his exile in the United Kingdom: BCC, CNN, Al jazeera, African Research institutes where all caught flat footed. In the diplomatic circles there were no words to explain the event of things. Good things normally do not make it to the media – but I have to assure Ugandans, this single event has catapulted Uganda many more miles ahead of the pack especial countries in Uganda risky category. 

Socratic Dialogue and a council of elders

The government of Uganda on the above basis should set up a council of elders led by Prof. Mondo Kagonyera, James Katorobo, Apollo Nsibambi, Dr. Ian Clarke,  Ogenga Latigo, Justice Leticia Kikonyogo, Allen Kagina, Justice Ssebutinde, Rev Orimbi, Rev. Nkoyoyo or Rev. Lwanga, Dr. Martin Aliker, Prof. Ssebufu such cream. 

The above named will not discuss politics per se but rather topical issues that afflicts Uganda society with guests such as Col. Kiiza Besigye, Dr. Kagwa, Prof. Kayanja, Fishermen, Nurses, or Taxi drivers, Gen. Sssejusa, Gen. Museveni in an informal discussion of a topical issue – i.e. why our hospitals are disorgnised and or dysfunctional, institutional failure like railways or government offices without printers or paper, public  servants who do not serve, our economy, corruption can be discussed with those caught in the act, why hotels have sinks which have no water in them, or hospital theaters that have broken beds etc.

This should be done immediately. 

Gen. Ssejusa in one of his classics admits to have made mistakes. How many people of his caliber have been plain and categorical as Ssejusa? Uganda government has to start thinking hard because out of our history something unique is emerging!

One thing out of these informal discussions should be researched papers that will be written by one or more of the above people on behalf of the government of Uganda. These papers will be sent to parliaments committees to be reviewed and discussed in relation to existing law, rules and regulations

NRM should start a dialogue besides, with other political parties on the same topical issues and thus seek a forward - these should be monthly discussions in pubic media houses.

After total defeat the bully Sweden had become in the Nordic region decided to become totally neutral, this heralded Swedish rapid development – a lesson Uganda government has to learn from.

Bwanika Nakyesawa Luwero


Bwanika Nakyesawa Luwero

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