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{UAH} UPC’s Otunnu involved in car accident

UPC's Otunnu involved in car accident


Uganda People's Congress (UPC) President Olara Otunnu. Photo by Abubaker Lubowa 

By Stephen Kafeero

Posted  Tuesday, February 17  2015 at  17:21

Uganda People's Congress (UPC) President Olara Otunnu has been involved in a road accident but survived unhurt, UPC spokesperson Okello Lucima has confirmed.

The former UN envoy was travelling in his car a Toyota Land cruiser from Gulu heading back to Kampala when the incident happened but neither he nor his entourage was injured.

"It was a minor accident, no injuries but his car had some scratches. There should be no fears whatsoever, he is safe," Mr Lucima told Daily Monitor in a telephone interview.

Mr Otunnu has for the past few days camped in Northern Uganda as part of the team celebrating and honouring the late Archbishop of Uganda Janani Luwum.

Gwokto La'Kitgum
"Even a small dog can piss on a tall Building", Jim Hightower

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