{UAH} Our dear parents are departing too early in Uganda
Dear friends and fellow country folks.
It is inexplicable how these great pillars in our lives are departing one by one" buli lukeera nga tuwulira nti omu kubazadde baffe agenze bambi Naye nga Muli tuwuliira nti agenze bukyaali". They protected us during the most difficult period of civil war in Uganda. We mourn their passing while seated on nails of deep pain -steeped in the knowledge that our nation can do better with the care of our aging folks-who continue to fall victim to illnesses that have known fixes. We remain perplexed and frozen with grief from thousands of miles away wondering why the country has not been able to implement simple medical safeguards that could sustain lives.
We have placed our trust in our institutions with the hope that this trend will be reversed.
Our losses are unquantifiable - how do you begin to enumerate such a loss due to lack of adequate care. I hope our institutions in the Diaspora and at home will begin to address this issue as an agenda item. Our heartfelt condolences go out to the Iga family -and all those who have lost their parents way too soon. We are standing with you at this most difficult period of your lives and simply asking folks in our government to do something about it. May GOD give you strength to endure and may they all rest in peace eternally.
Tendo Kaluma
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On Mar 14, 2015, at 1:31 PM, Benon Mukasa Kyeyune@aol.com [UNAANET] <UNAANET@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
Our heartfelt symphathy to you and your family.-----Original Message-----
From: Beatrice Iga Musisi beatriceiga@yahoo.com [UNAANET] <UNAANET@yahoogroups.com>
To: UNAANET <UNAANET@yahoogroups.com>; Uaa Dfw <uaagreaterdfw@yahoo.com>; David Iga <dwiga07@gmail.com>; Patricia Iga <nakachwa@hotmail.com>; Patrick Iga <yosia@yahoo.com>; paschal Kibuule <fbNOREPLY436@myfanbox.com>; senkayi <senkayi@yahoo.com>; Jacqueline Lewis <jackieiga@sbcglobal.net>; Jackie Lewis <jackie.lewis.315@facebook.com>; Jessica Irizarry-Iga <jessicaiga@facebook.com>; Jessica Iga <Jessica.Iga@heart.org>; Carolina Felix-Iga <carolinafelixsilva@facebook.com>; Carolina Iga <cfiga01@gmail.com>; caroline sebirumbi <carolsebirumbi@yahoo.com>; Mary von Merveldt <mvmptl@gmail.com>; Dianna Williams <dianna.williams@metzbaum.com>; Dianna Williams <dwilliams@prnspecialty.com>; Cristina Crique Hilliard <cristina.hilliard.1@facebook.com>; DennisKitamirike <DennisKitamirike@hotmail.com>; Josephkit <Josephkit@hotmail.com>; loilum <loilum@live.com>
Sent: Sat, Mar 14, 2015 11:11 am
Subject: [UNAANET] Death Announcement [1 Attachment]
[Attachment(s) from Beatrice Iga Musisi included below]My beautiful mother passed away and will be buried on Monday the 16th. Rest in Peace Mom. We love you
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