{UAH} Pojim/WBK: Kanu and JAP causing ripples in Uhuru's TNA | The Star
Kanu and JAP causing ripples in Uhuru's TNA
KANU's plan to bring on board professionals to run the party in a similar manner as The National Alliance did before the elections is causing anxiety in the President's party.
This coupled with the formation of the Jubilee Alliance Party is threatening to kill the party that President Uhuru Kenyatta used to rise to the Presidency on.
Some TNA officials and supporters who feel sidelined in the affairs of JAP as well as participation in government are said to be considering taking up the Kanu jobs.
Kanu, the Star has learnt, wants to put in a youthful and professional team as its leader, as Baringo Senator Gideon Moi works on rejuvenating the party.
Moi's announcement that he will be seeking the Presidency in 2017 has already started rocking the Jubilee coalition boats as it creates divisions in the Rift Valley.
Those behind the plot to rejuvenate Kanu are said to have approached key TNA supporters including some officials with the aim of having them take over the party.
"There are a lot of young people who worked with Team Uhuru and now feel sidelined. You may soon see us moving to Kanu as a way of improving our prospects of being in government after the next election," a key ally of Uhuru told the Star.
When forming TNA, Uhuru left the administration of the party to a group of young non-politicians, some of who were never 'rewarded' for their work.
Even those who managed to get space in the Jubilee administration, whether in Parliament or in the executive, are said to be seeking alternatives ahead of the TNA-URP merger.
"We believe that Kanu may not have a candidate in 2017, but rejuvenating it gives it better leverage to negotiate with JAP or TNA. Even if Gideon runs in 2017, he may not win but sets a good platform for him and those who join him in the next election in 2022," another of the disgruntled Uhuru allies said.
The group of the unsatisfied TNA officials and members have been holding meetings at various locations in the affluent area of Kileleshwa in Nairobi to draw up the plans.
Their major concern is that Uhuru has been surrounded by individuals who are not keen on ensuring that the Jubilee manifesto is implemented to the letter.
"They have decided to see Uhuru fail and we will not be part of it. Some of those around him do not even understand how we came up with the policies in the manifesto, and thus they cannot implement it. We can as well find new homes," an ally of Uhuru from Western Kenya said.
Kanu is said to be offering the individuals up to Sh1 million a month each, if they can help rebuild the party and sell it across the country.
Its national officials have remained mum over the plans despite the Star having details of the meetings that they have been holding with Uhuru's allies.
The reorganisation of Kanu and the propping of Moi as a 2017 Presidential candidate is also being seen as part of the plot to have him succeed Deputy President William Ruto in case of a fallout in Jubilee.
According to insiders close to Gideon, his father and former President Daniel arap Moi has asked him not to cause an upset on Uhuru's quest for a second term.
Instead, Gideon has been asked by the older Moi to prepare in a manner that can see him become Uhuru's deputy in 2017 in case Ruto is out of the picture.
Other than the ongoing plans by Kanu, the Star has established there is anxiety in TNA over the possible dissolution of the party to join JAP.
JAP was formed to be President Uhuru Kenyatta's vehicle when seeking a second term at the 2017 general election, with William Ruto as his running-mate.
Uhuru who heads TNA, and Ruto who is URP's leader formed the Jubilee coalition, which they used to get to power at the 2013 elections.
The two have already declared that JAP will be their party of choice when the 2017 elections come.
In a very telling statement while talking to the Star recently, JAP vice chairman David Murathe said those who don't want to join the new party are free not to.
"We are not killing anybody, and we are not forcing anybody to join. Uhuru is the brand and we will go where he tells us to go. The good thing is that Uhuru has started setting up the party early unlike how PNU was formed," Murathe said.
He added that URP and TNA have nothing to fear as JAP is "their baby" which is arising from the already existing Jubilee coalition.
"To try and make it appear as JAP is a separate entity and is in competition with TNA and URP is missing the point. We met in Naivasha where everyone was represented and we all agreed this is the way to go," Murathe said.
Despite the issues in TNA, secretary-general Onyango Oloo said the JAP idea was welcome and still under discussion.
"TNA's position is that the JAP idea should be explored despite the setback we got in Kajiado Central," Oloo said.
JAP is already in the process of recruiting 47 county coordinators as it sets up structures to run the party outside TNA and URP.
According to Murathe, this will be followed by a national recruitment exercise ahead of a National Delegates Conference in Kasarani later in the year to elect national officials.
"We are now focusing on setting up party structures. When we went for the Kajiado by-election, there were no structures at all. We were supposed to ride on the structures of TNA and URP," Murathe said.
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