{UAH} THE MULINDWA NOTES ON VIOLENCE IN UGANDA {--- Series two-Hundred-but forty-seven} {Part two}
…………………… Well let us go to the Kony war, this was a war where NRA committed crimes to the people, but we have a whole lot of reports of Acholi committing crimes to Acholi. Because in Acholi land they have only thatched houses they would light them, cut women’s tombs get out the babies and throw them into burning huts. They killed literary thousands of Acholi, they raped many Acholi women including as young as age 7. And my question is very simple, if Acholi killed West Nilers for they hated Amin, if they killed Luwerorians for they hated Baganda, who did they hate to murder fellow Acholi? Can one argue that actually Acholi hated each other, thus the grinding of babies in pounders? …………………….-} Part two
Let us as well recognize that Acholi as well expanded their attacks into Eastern Uganda, Teso became a menace to live in, lots of lives lost for Acholi again were kidnapping children but raping women. Uganda reached a point where North and East simply became impassable for ambushes became a problem and murder became a problem. There are Uganda children that have been saved out of South Sudan when they are actually Iteso. As I document Acholi violence it is imperative to mention that Uganda government has committed many atrocities in the country, some of the violence in Eastern Uganda was government contributed, Uganda government also covered its atrocities by claiming that Acholi had attacked, but by large and far, Acholi created and committed violence even passed their own region and expanded it to Eastern Uganda. Denying that Acholi did not fuel violence in The North but East is sheer nonsense. Given the back ground litany of violence committed by Acholi that I have listed in this series, and given that I have now very clearly established that they killed people in Kampala after Amin removal, murdered people in West Nile, murdered Ugandans in Luwero, murdered themselves, murdered people in Eastern Uganda, let me go after a matter of importance to me on Uganda/Africa regarding Western countries let alone NGOs.
When we kill ourselves between tribe and another tribe, Western countries and NGOs do not care. Well Hutus are killing Tutsi no problem, vice versa no problem, when you critically look at the people Acholi actually murdered all along, they have been un Acholi, and Western countries including NGOs never cared. There was never a Western government or NGO in Luwero when we were dying, Amnesty International never stepped in, Red Cross never came into Luwero. Why? For we were not killing each other as a tribe. My God Acholi murdered so many Alurs and Lugbara Banubbi to creating the now infamous Ombaci massacre, did you see any Amnesty International vehicle in Ombaci? No because this time around it was Acholi murdering non Acholi and that to Western countries let alone NGOs is a no one issue. When Acholi started to kill each other, society now woke up for Kony actually was trying to create a clean brand of Acholi, for all existing ones were terribly bad, that is why he took virgin children to start a new clan of clean Acholi. Now that bothered Western countries and NGOs.
They flew into Uganda amass including our own Lloyd Axworth for this had to stop. But this is the stupidity Western countries did, they walked into a problem they did not understand and they thus created botched up solutions that failed to help Acholi as people but ourselves as a civilized society. Western countries and NGOs built solutions to allow or educate Acholi to live with each other, the solutions were built without including the atrocities Acholi had done in the rest of the country, thus issues like reconciliation, refusal to arrest known Acholi killers that attacked for example camps, letting rapists walk free in Acholi land in exchange to safety, a government amnesty, accepting very barbaric but criminally built Acholi customs like Mato Oput. On and on the nonsense so firkin continued. You see had Western countries but NGOs recognize that Acholi are naturally violent people, had they understood the history of violence we have lived under all along, they would have realized that Acholi murdering each other is simply an icing on their violence that has been done in Uganda across the board.
And let us agree for a second that Western country’s solution work, that Acholi through Mato Oput forgive each other, are we going to hold it between Acholi and ourselves as Luwerorians? Hey should we bus all Acholi to West Nile and hold a Mato Oput between them and those that survived them? Should we hold a Mato Oput between Acholi but The Iteso and so forth they murdered? So just how far does this silliness of forgiveness go? A life of a murdered Acholi baby is exactly the same as a life of a murdered Muganda baby. If an Acholi cut a womb of an Acholi woman and take a baby out and killed it, and they cut a womb out of a Muganda woman in Luwero take a baby out and killed it, why the heck do you hold a Mato Oput for the Acholi woman but not a Muganda woman? That is how fucked up was the solutions The West and NGOs built in Northern Uganda. They were solutions built on Acholi are violent at each other than Acholi are a cruel but violent people. Unlike many Ugandans that lament only on Uganda problems, I am going to end this particular series with a part three which will be a three options I look at, that I think can be used to directly go after Acholi violence. Part three of this series will follow as soon as I get a moment to sit on my PC. Enjoy the morning mass and thank God that Ireland grew up at last.
The third/last part of this particular series will be posted as soon as it is ready
On the 49th Parallel
Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"
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