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{UAH} Unique Domespace’s, The entire structure to rotate

Unique Domespace's, The entire structure to rotate

This wooden house called "Domespace's" from the company "Solaleya Designs" not only has the original design and is heated by solar energy, but also a safe haven from natural disasters.
Domespace's unique system and design allows for the entire structure to rotateEach design is made ​​of natural and renewable resources, and efficient heating and cooling is carried out through the use of solar energy. The construction of the dome is mounted on a rotating support, which allows you to change the orientation of the building in relation to the sun to regulate the temperature in the rooms. The aerodynamic characteristics of the dome provide security when hurricane winds and thanks to the arched frame construction, this building is protected by the earthquake is much better than many of the traditional architecture of the house. The house can be beat on any taste And for those who do not like country style, designed a modern version of the building, which is called the "Pearl". This house does not rotate, but it is built with the position of the sun at different times of the year (northern hemisphere) to maximize its use of energy for heating and cooling the interior. Domespace's-unique-system-and-design-allows-for-the-entire-structure-to-rotate-02 Domespace's-unique-system-and-design-allows-for-the-entire-structure-to-rotate-03 Domespace's-unique-system-and-design-allows-for-the-entire-structure-to-rotate-04 Domespace's-unique-system-and-design-allows-for-the-entire-structure-to-rotate-05 Domespace's-unique-system-and-design-allows-for-the-entire-structure-to-rotate-06 Domespace's-unique-system-and-design-allows-for-the-entire-structure-to-rotate-07 Domespace's-unique-system-and-design-allows-for-the-entire-structure-to-rotate-08Source — Solaleya Designs

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