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{UAH} UPDATE on UNAA lawsuit: UNAA leaders sue me

A few days after I filed our Petition to call a special meeting of UNAA, UNAA leaders sued me. I have cut and pasted their document as it is....

Now into Court come Defendants Defendants Bnan Kwesiga, Monda Atigo. Jude Sempungu, Aisha Ogwang, Rebecca Namwase, Timothy Gaburungyi, Irene Kasujja, and Ugandan North American Association, Inc. who bring the following counterclaims:
Petitioner Joseph Musoke is a person that was previously active with the UNAA. He, at one point, campaigned for President of UNAA and lost to the current leadership. As one could imagine, Mr. Musoke was upset. Rather than accept his loss and simply prepare for the next election, Mr. Musoke has taken to the Courts to disrupt UNAA. He seeks to materially hurt the Ugandan people that take pride in this great organization. Andrew Abe is also a failed candidate
with the UNAA. Upon information and belief, there are no other Petitioners. The parties have falsely represented that they represent others. And, if Mr. Musoke does represent others, it is respectfully requested that this Honorable Court refer Mr. Musoke to the Attorney General and the Board of Bar Overseers for action pursuant to M.G.L. v.221, s.46A and 468.
Factual Allegations
1. Joseph Musoke is a person of the age of majority that is domiciled in the State of California. He has waived any and all objections to venue and personal jurisdiction by filing the instant action.
2. Andrew Abe is a person of the age of majority. His whereabouts are not currently known, but he has waived any and all objections to venue and personal jurisdiction by filing the instant action through his unlicensed attorney of record, Joseph Musoke.
3. Venue is proper if the Court does not grant Defendants motion for forum non conveniens as all claims arise out of harm done to UNAA, a Massachusetts non-profit.

Factual Background
4. UNAA is the largest formal association of Ugandans in the Diaspora.
5. The objective of UNAA is to promote the social. cultural. and economic advancement of the Ugandan Community in North America.
6. The mission of UNAA is to bring together Ugandans now living in North America and create a platform on which they can network, share and experience Ugandan culture.
7. UNAA makes information publicly available on its website as well as through a national listserv.
8. In 2013, UNAA suffered financial woes under its old leadership, Clear Direction.
9. Brian Kwesiga, then 26 years old, waged a campaign under the moniker "Good Judgment for Change."
10. Mr. Kwesiga was elected president with 160 votes.
11. Petitioner Musoke came in last with only 31 votes.
12. Musoke was bitter and upset about this.
13. Musoke began writing opinion articles criticizing UNAA.
14. Musoke began to put forth public criticisms of the UNAA constitution and began publicly
accusing leaders of violating duties and having conflicts of interest.
15. Interestingly, Musoke suggested in that same opinion piece that no one outside of the country should be permitted to be a member, yet he relies on those persons to allegedly bring this action.
16. Musoke filed the instant action in bad faith knowing that the claims her made were false.
17. Musoke was informed on multiple occasions over the last several months that he did not
have the requisite number of persons for a special meeting, yet he still pursued this action and filed the same in bad faith.
18. Then, as Musoke was calling LINAA leadership into question, another group mysteriously formed - UNAACauses.
19. UNAACauses has led the public to believe it is UNAA and has attempted to divert funds and members away from UNAA.
20. Notably, UNAACauses held a national conference on the same day in the same city as UNAA in20l4.
21. This is the reason that quorum was not obtained at the annual meeting in 20l4.
22.Upon information and belief after discovery is had, it will be discovered that Musoke is
responsible for part of this and may even serve as legal counsel for the organization.
23. Accordingly, it is requested that Musoke be found liable for malicious prosecution and for intentional interference with business of UNAA.
24- Andrew Abe also ran for office at the annual conference in 2013.
25. Mr Abe lost to current leadership
26.Mr. Abe has been a dissenter of UNAA ever since, blindly accepting Musoke's propositions.
27. LINAA believes in the right of those to dissent, but respectfully asserts that Mr. Abe's
actions arise out of bitterness and a desire to hurt the UNAA - not a desire to inspect records or participate in a meeting.
28.Mr. Abe, through his counsel of record, has been informed that UNAA would make reasonable records requests available.
29.Yet, Mr. Abe and Mr. Musoke have pursued this action every step of the way.
WHEREFORE, having fully answered Plaintiff's Complaint, Defendants pray that:
(1) Plaintiff's Complaint be dismissed in its entirety and witr prejudice, with all costs
taxed against Plaintiff;
(2) That Defendant have a trial by jury; and
(3) That Defendant recover from Plaintiff its expenses of litigation, including
attorneys' fees.
(4) After a full trial is conducted in this matter that Joseph Musoke and Andrew Abe
be held liable for interfering with the business of UNAA and for malicious prosecution in the
bringing of this action.

Respectfully submitted,
Brian Kwesiga, Monday Atigo, Jude Sempungu,
Aisha Ogwang, Rebecca Namwase, Timothy
Gaburungyi, Irene Kasujja, and Ugandan North
American Association, Inc.

By Counsel
Galen M. Hair, Esq. BBO #675825
Varadi, Hair & Checki, LLC
650 Poydras St., Ste. 1550
New Orleans, LA 70130
(s04) 684-s200
Galen M. Hair, Esq. BBO #675825

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