{UAH} Mr Nekyon/Mr Pojim:The folly of power sharing deals like one in Addis on South Sudan
I know many will wonder why the folly. But we must start to question such power sharing deals imposed on African countries by outsiders. What good do they serve? Whose interests do they perpetuate?/ Do they create a moral hazard, more not less violence which in turn drives power-hungry politicians to resort to violence in order to access power sharing? Do they prolong the search for long term peace etc?
Those interested should take time to read the articles below
Atul, Denis, M, and Andres Mehler (2005). The hidden Costs of power sharing: Reproducing Insurgent violence in Africa. Africans affairs, 104 (416), 375-398
Luttwak, Edward, N. (1999). 'Give war a chance'. Foreign affairs 78, 36-44
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