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{UAH} Bloodless Coup d'etat

I had decided to keep out the ongoing debate but then I saw comments from Dr. Matovu, Dr Lugemwa, Dr Senkayi and Dr Kayondo...that seemed to suggest that the AGM in New Orleans would somehow be a good starting point to discuss a fix to UNAA's current problems.  I hate to be a bearer of bad news but Mr Mureeba (the NRM Govt Consul General in Dallas) is not lazy man....his group had completed NRM total control of UNAA.  They do not want a genuine annual meeting and that is why they refused to call it when we requested back in October 2014 (that is why we went to court to force them to call  the general meeting)
Mr Mureeba anticipated that the AGM could be a stumbling block to his bloodless coup d'etat and had his men allocate 30 minutes to member questions and answers.  The member comments/questions will be limited to 30 SECONDS and responses from the Executives will be limited to 90 seconds. 
How does anyone expect a meaningful discussion of all the important issues, including the finances, to be discussed in 30 minutes?
There are 1,800 seconds in 30 minutes.  Each question and answer gets 2 minutes (30 to ask and 90 to answer). That is a maximum of 15 question/answers for ALL issues relating to UNAA today!  The meeting will be controlled by Dr Joseph Buwembo, one of the illegal Board members that does not qualify to be on the Board because he has not been a member for at least 5 consecutive, any guess on who he will call on for the 15 question? 
They also arranged to pack the AGM with non-members...
1. in court filings, they claim that UNAA has 1,359 members for this year. 
2. but they gave the EC a list 230 members (about 20 are in Kla)
3. they refused to show the EC that those 230 members actually paid membership dues. The fake excuse being that the Executives are too busy to sort data on a exercise that takes less than a minute! They offered to provide receipts for some random 20 members as proof that everyone else on the list has paid!  I am not a statistician but I doubt that proof of membership can be aggregate.  Rather, it is individualized. Just because 20 members have paid doesn't mean that the 21st has also paid. I don't know any state that verifies voters by random samples.  e.g in California, we have many voter initiative that require a certain number of sponsors before they get on the ballot but each voter card is examined individually for eligibility.  You'd think that they could just grab a few hundred cards and clim that represented the whole batch!
4. they suspended article 3.3.1 that provided that membership dues paid this year are valid for next year so that most of the new members packed on the EC could control elections but mostly because Mr Mureeba's group had little support among people that qualified to vote if 3.3.1 had been adhered to.
5. they turned to NRM USA to man the elections...and put Dr Peter Simbi in charge of  EC communications...even if he is not a member of UNAA. In fact, the majority of EC members are not members of UNAA!  Those that are members, joined UNAA just a few weeks ago (except Mr. Ben Abe, the NRM Govt Consul General in Seattle who has been renewing his membership every year).
For a faster response please contact me at 415.789.6427
sent from SONY Z3 on Vodafone's LTE Network!

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