{UAH} Pope Francis arrives to a hero's welcome in Cuba
After travelling for 11 hours by Alitalia, the Pope has finally arrived in Havana where
he has been received by ecstatic Cuban crowds led by President Raoul Castro.
On his descent from the airplane at the José Marti International Airport the Pope
was greeted with deafening ululations from the thousands of people assembled
at the airport, among whom hundreds and hundreds of pressmen and media personnel
from all over the world ( and this Papal visit is the first to be exceptionally televised live in USA).
On tarmac the President and the Cardinal Archbishop of Havana were the first to greet him.
Then there was an exchange of gifts between a group of youths and the Pope. This was followed
by the two anthems which were intoned to the sound of an accompanying 25-gun salute.
The two leaders then walked to the rotrum where they delivered their official speeches. President Castro
welcomed the Pope as a messenger of peace and dialogue in addition to being a very popularly loved
person in all Cuba. He thanked him for the role he played in reconciling his country with the USA. He singled out
the Pope's crying worry for youth unemployment and the degradation of nature and ecology. he appreciated the Pope's
repeated stand on equitable distribution of resources and land. He emphasized the orientation of the Cuban revolution towards
these goals. He also supported the Pope's positive stand on appealing for a change in the monetary system which has put money
as an idol of wealth for a few. Finally, he outlined the achievements of the Cuban revolution, and expressed his wish to see the Pope
help Cuba to resolve all remaining problems with the USA. And lastly, commending the good relations between the Vatican and Cuba, he
wished the Pope a good stay on the island where all people are very happy to welcome him.
In reply the Pope thanked the President for the good words as well as for the welcome given him. He further thanked all those involved in the
preparations. And he then requested the President to greet for him his brother Fidel Castro.
He further assured the president that the Church will always accompany the people of cuba in all their efforts.
He promised to pray for Cuba at the Marian Shrine in the east of the country where he will eventually sejourn before leaving the country.
He encouraged the Cubans to eye strongly reconciliation because the world needs it very much. he also hinted on the beatification ceremony
of a gallant Cuban priest due to take place this weekend.
At the end of his speech, the Pope was very much cheered and ululated by the thousands of people around.
The speeches were followed by the introduction delegations which included the Pope's accompanying entourage, Cuban officials, diplomats, etc..
This was followed by a military parade to honour the Pope and the President. After, both leaders withdrew to a VIP lounge inside the airport for
some private discussions after which the Popboarded his popemobile and was driven to the Nunciature, 18 kilometres away where he will be
residing. Hundreds of thousands of people had for hours jammed the entire rout in spite of the heavy scorching sun! They all cheered him as they
waved his portrait and the Vatican flags. The day has been described as unprecedented in joy and enthusiasm.
Dr G.H. Kkolokolo ( Paris / France )
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