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{UAH} Pope's second day in Cuba

Pope Francis continues to his visit to Cuba amid continued scenes of unprecedented jubilation in full
triumph. Sunday 20 September 2015 was an occasion filled with activity. The day began with high Mass in the famous
Revolution Square. Hundreds of thousands of people turned up. By the time the Pope arrived on the scene over
250,000 had already jammed the place. President Raoul Castro was the key official guest, leading some 3,500
invited guests. Cheered throughout the streets of Havana the Pope arrived in time and started the celebration. Choir
and liturgy were moving. Just as the sermon in which the Pope outlined the importance of caring for and minding the
weak and the helpless ones. Care for a brother's weakness and poverty was paramount in christ's eyes. His semon was
very loudly cheered and it impressed president Castro. At the end of Mass the Archbishop of Havana thanked the Pope for visiting
Cuba. He continued to thank him for the many high achievements his pontificate had so far gained for all as father and pastor.
he further appreciated the Pope's social teaching, his role in reconciling Cuba and the USA, and promised prayers to the Holy Virgin
to support him in the many problems he faces in this world. The Archbishop was chered when he stated that Cuba was welcoming
the Pope with warmth and sincerity. The Pope then donated a chalice to the Archbishop. And in reply to the wonderful speech which the
Pope very highly appreciated, he said holy mass brings us nearer to Christ's cross an,d to that of our brothers and sisters who suffer.
then he led the Angelus prayer and gave the final blessing. Shortly afterwards the Pope paid a 40-minutes long visit to Cuban revolutionary
leader fidel Castro who was so moved by thpope's presence in his residence. Both men discussed current world affairs including subjects on environment. After lunch and a brief rest at the Nunciature, the pope paid a formal courtesy visit to President Raoul Castro. The Pope arrived in
his open popemobile after receiving cheers and ululations from the hundreds of thousands of people who had lined up all along the streets
his motorcade was to follow. On arrival the two leaders presented each one's delegation, and then the two withdrew to a private office where
they discussed important matters, etc.. At the same time the Cuban vice president responsible for religious affairs was holding a series of
discussions with the Vatican delegation. This entire cordiality appeared to trry to cement the 80-year-old diplomatic relations cordially existing
between the two states. Having taken leave of the President the Pope, waving to multitudes that had lined the streets went to the Immaculate
Conception Cathedral for the vespers service. On his way he stopped at the Jesuit church which he visited and where he briefly prayed. Multitudes
almost mobbed him there. He continued to be driven to the cathedral passing through madly cheering streets with people standing in every
vantage point including on the top of high rises! At the cathedral he was greeted outside by senior bishops and priests. he then entered the
holy edifice to the deafening thunderous cheers fro the 1500 priests, nuns, brothers, and seminarists who had gathered there. The Archbishop
on greeting him informed him of the character of the assembly which had gathered all religious from Cuba adding to many others from neighbouring countries. He further pointed out that the church in Cuba was a poor institution but always working in solidarity with the poor and the marginal.
Speaking on behalf of nuns a Cuban sister outlined her personal experience and that of her colleagues in carrying out the missions entrusted to them and she confirmed that they manage in the task thanks to the trust in  Christ. Then the pope recited a short prayer to open the vespers service.
Some ten minutes later he pronounced some words of encouragement to the clergy and the religious. He advised them to love poverty and God's mercy.
If the Church was poor, that's how God wanted it to be. The greatest wealth and treasure consisted in leaving behind everything and follow Christ.
Then the vesper service continued and at the end he gave his blessing. Going out of the cathedral the Pope was wildly cheered by the religious.
A few metres away was the venue where thousands of youths had assembled to welcome and listen to him. They offered him a big cross to handle
to the youth who will attend the World Youth Day next year. And a representative of the group was called to say something before the Pope. he outlined
the very many problems the youth face in Cuba. And asked the Pope to give them counsel and to pray for them. In reply the Pope gave many options including the effort to dream a project and bravely put it into action. He also advised them not to shun anyone whose views were different from theirs, in that way they could learn how to settle problems through dialogue. He further dwelt on the economic policies that tend to segregate against the youth and the old. He was wildly cheered when he cited to them an African proverb that encouraged resolution and courage before a trying situation. The meeting was ended with his blessing and promise for prayer. There were cheers and tears when the Pope got to the popemobile and driven to the Nunciature and waving to countless thousands of people that had already lined the streets to have a glimpse of the world's greatest leader.

Dr G.H. Kkolokolo ( Paris / France )

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