{UAH} UNAA New Orleans Trade & Investment Roundtable
Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga
Speaker, Parliament of the Republic of Uganda
H.E. Oliver Wonekha
Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda to the USA
H. E. Dr. Richard Nduhuura
Ugandan Permanent Representative to the UN
H. E. Henry Mayega
Ambassador Designate to the People's Republic of China
H. E. James Kinobe
Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Congo
Dr. Frank B. Sebbowa
Executive Director, Uganda Investment Authority (UIA)
Dr. Abel Rwendeire
Deputy Chairman, National Planning Authority (NPA)
Ms. Doris Akol
Commissioner General, Uganda Revenue Authority (URA)
Mrs. Jennifer S. Musisi
Executive Director, Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA)
Mr. Bemanya Twebaze
Registrar General, Uganda Registration Services Bureau (URSB)
Mr. Selestino Babungi
Executive Director, UMEME
Mr. Stephen Asiimwe
Chief Executive Officer, Uganda Tourism Board (UTB)
Dr. Andrew G. Seguya
Executive Director and CEO, Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA)
Mr. Richard Byarugaba
Managing Director, National Social Security Fund (NSSF)
Mr. Parity Twinomujuni
Chief Executive Officer, National Housing and Construction Company (NHCC)
Mr. Mathias Katamba
Managing Director, Housing Finance Bank (HFB)
Mr. Stephen Mukweli
Managing Director, PostBank Uganda
Mr. Will Fogel
Head of Growth, WAVE App
Mr. Emmanuel Musoke
Presidential Adviser for Youth in Charge of Agriculture
Brian M. Kwesiga
President and CEO,
Ugandan North American Association - UNAA
972.415.6372 | www.unaa.org | "United We Stand"
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