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{UAH} FW: [camnetwork] Democratic debate: A view

From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2015 10:04 AM
Subject: [camnetwork] Democratic debate: A view



For any open minded person, irrespective of his/her political inclination, the stage winner of the first democratic presidential debate was Bernie Sanders. Fanatical liberals would ask why would it be Bernie and not Hilary? However, people who understand communication and marketing see engagement, enthusiasm and authenticity as core to inspiring hearts and minds. A closer look at those standing on stage in Las Vegas showed four boring individuals and one man of wit, enthusiasm and authenticity: Bernie Sanders. It is reason why a group of undecided voters, in a focus group interviewed after the debate, all gravitated towards Bernie. Will this translate into better poll numbers for Bernie? Let's watch and see.
Some say Bernie is a socialist!!! No doubt about it. Come to think of it, which of the other four are not? They all made promises to tax and spend. They all want to steal from Peter and give Paul- redistribute wealth, give free lunch, etc…. At a time when America is $18 trillion in debt under Obama, Barack Obama-wannabes promise to have no debt ceiling. Democrats seem to be in an anti-capitalism debt race. The party without core values wants to use insanity to rule and destroy the only shining light on planet earth; the American people and their economy.
Enough of those who were on stage! Many keen observers know that the overall winner of the DNC debate was Joe Biden. In his case, "les absents n'ont pas tort." Crazy Joe said he was happy with what he saw on the debate because he can beat those five with his left hand only. Why? Because Hillary Clinton is a crook! Sh e will say anything to win the nomination, even the change she does not believe in. Her scandals threaten to wipe out the entire Democratic Party at a moment's notice. To imagine her as the nominee is a disaster waiting to happen. Let's wait and see…
The losers of the debate? We the people, Adam Smith's capitalism and sanity. Go figure…

"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." --Thomas Jefferson

"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest." -- Elie Wiesel


Posted by: Esu Ndzem-Usu <>

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