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As I monitor the NRM party primaries, I am glad to see that supporters aren't allowing fake elections to take place. They are resolutely vigilant. The incidents we are seeing, aren't they proof that supporters won't let in-house thieves steal their vote? Party offices burnt down because evil and theft had established residence there-in. Some righteous people still exist, people who won't sit and watch electoral fraud on their votes in broad daylight or pitch darkness.
However, your struggle isn't over. Elections for big flag-bearer positions await. And we all know that many are reportedly already busy trying to snatch victory illegally over colleagues. Some are struggling to also bep declared sole candidates by hook or crook. Voter bribing is rampant across the country. Do you think these candidates are working on yellow happiness and friendship? Their is probably one ideology in their minds currently: Political survival first, Ndugu comrades later. "Saa mbaya!"
Whoever relaxes and fails to protect their candidates interests during the primaries, does so at their own peril.
Meanwhile, 'Boko Police' is seemingly too busy to help fight NRM primaries malpractices. They are occupied with "crushing" (and undressing?) their big enemy; The supposedly constitutionally guaranteed opposition. With a leading candidate under a multi-agency siege as I write this. The so-called Independent Electoral Commission, of all people, refuses him his right to meet the masses, while I regularly see joyful ruling party campaign processions unhindered. And security now wants the opposition leader under house arrest until nomination day mid-november.
Honestly, what freedom and democracy is that? They themselves never did such before.
Let's look at it critically for a second. Isn't that rigging already since their actions favor another candidate? Haven't they therefore been rigging for months now?
Thanks to my fathers effort I studied in, and travelled to countries where I experienced genuine democracy in action. So comparably, who is fooling who?
Uganda surely needs to be delivered from this now stunted political growth.

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