{UAH} Abbey: tell KB that when he launches his manifesto it better be fully cost and credible
Do you know when KB will launch his manifesto? But before he does so he must make sure it is fully cost, which is to say he cannot just say I will do this or create so many quality jobs. No. He must tell Ugandans HOW he is going to do those things his manifesto promises to do, and how much it will cost to do those things within 5 years.
And hopefully Ugandan journalist-Hello Mr. Kadameri-can ask the candidates some tough questions. When a candidate say I will create so many jobs at the sub county level, he must tell Ugandans at a minimum the following
What kind of jobs is he or she planning to create?
Obviously the how aspect is important, but from the manifesto so far realised, the how part is missing and so are the costs, as if doing those things costs nothing.
Ugandan voters need to hear from the candidates how they are going to finance those promises. and Ugandan journalists need to ask the candidates to account for the promises in their glittering manifestos.
When a manifesto promises heaven and then promises to cut taxes, where is the money going to come from? Are they banking on Bunyoro oil? So Banyoro-hello Mr Mirima and Munyouganda- need to ask the candidates this question: are you promising Ugandans heaven because you hope to grab , okay, misuse our resource?
Ugandans are all for those jobs at the sub country level but how credible are those promises when the manifesto is silent on the most important aspects/
So when KB launches his manifesto preferably on one of his campaign rallies and not those air conditioned rooms in Kampala, he must be ready to tell Ugandans a lot more than just feel good promises.
When Nambozo asks him, but doctor you promise us goodies, how will you deliver those things? And when Nankya follows up with a question, daktari, how much will those promises you are promising us cost us?
Amooti may chip in, granted, Ugandans are obviously excited to hear those promises, but how are you going to finance those expensive promises? Alokit may follow up, if you going to borrow money to fund those promises how much do you plan to borrow and from where?
On jobs, Okoth may ask, colonel, can you tell us a bit more about those jobs you promises to create. What jobs are they? Will they be full time or part-time jobs? Will they be minimum wage or living wage jobs etc?
So KB should present to Ugandan voters a reasonable manifesto, preferably anchored on just 5 key issues, with more details on a) how he will fulfill those promises, b) at what cost and c) potential sources of funding them and so on. The promises must at least be credible and not mere fantasy.
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