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Hillary’s email subject read ‘GUNMEN try to ASSASSINATE head of Libyan army’ but that’s NOT what she WROTE about…

By soopermexican

Another tranche of Hillary’s State Department emails were released on Friday, and while all the “journalists” just guffawed at all the charming ways in which Granny Cankles wrote about emojis, conservatives found an email showing just how little she cared about security in Libya.

Here’s the email:

The headline has to do with “gunmen” trying to assassinate the head of the Libyan army, but the email trail has Hillary emailing Huma Abedin to ask ridiculously, “Did you get info from Chelsea about the wall lamps?”

Clearly she was so concerned about security at Benghazi that she had to clear her mind and talk about home decor!!

The article was from the Associated Press and had been published December 10th, 2011:

A spokesman for Libya’s military says gunmen tried to kill the head of the army in a bold daylight attack in the country’s capital.

Infantry spokesman Sgt. Abdel-Razik el-Shibahy says the army chief of staff was in a convoy Saturday traveling from his home in Tripoli to the military headquarters when a group of armed men at a fake checkpoint tried to stop them.

While this was nine months before the attack on Benghazi, in all that time violent attacks had increased until other allied groups had been pulling out of Benghazi over the security risk. Perhaps Hillary was too busy worried about throw pillows and fireplace mantle bric-a-brac to give a crap that terrorists were circling around her “close friend” in the Benghazi compound.


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
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Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"





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