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{UAH} In Uganda, many find it difficult to believe that Museveni could ever be defeated in an election - The Washington Post

Mbabazi's strategy may always have been to create a position in which, rather than face the cost and disruption of a closely-contested and disputed election, Museveni would negotiate some sort of transition.

If defeated NRM candidates rush to join Mbabazi, and start to campaign openly for him, perhaps he will find himself in a position of some negotiating power, but if they do not, his campaign to engineer a transition will have come to nothing, and February will see another Museveni and NRM victory.

Those looking for a historical precedent through which to understand contemporary events should look back to the experience of the nationalist coalitions that took power in Africa following the end of colonial rule. At first, these broad and often multi-ethnic alliances appeared all conquering, but over time they gradually unravelled as a result of competition over resources, internal splits and generational change.


Brian M. Kwesiga

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